Energy Saving Operation Optimization of Hybrid Energy Storage System for Hydrogen Fuel Cell Tram |
Gao Fengyang, Zhang Haoran, Wang Wenxiang, Li Mingming, Gao Xuanyu |
Automation and Electrical Engineering Lanzhou Jiaotong University Lanzhou 730070 China |
Abstract Aiming at the problem that the equivalent energy consumption in the energy management of fuel cell/super capacitor/lithium battery hybrid energy storage trams is greatly affected by load randomness so it cannot guarantee the optimal global power distribution, and to further enhance the fuel economy. An operation optimization strategy is proposed based on external energy consumption. Firstly, the load energy demand is divided into two parts: the real-time fuel consumption of the internal energy fuel cell and the power consumption of the external power lithium battery/super capacitor; secondly, in order to share the high power load pressure of the fuel cell, the objective function is rewritten from the equivalent energy consumption minimization strategy to maximization of the external power output, thus, there is no need to evaluate equivalent energy consumption, so as to achieve the purpose of enhancing the robustness for load change and minimizing real-time hydrogen consumption; finally, the proposed optimization strategy is compared with the equivalent energy consumption minimization and the state machine and power decoupling strategy. The results show that, in the whole cycle conditions, comparing with the equivalent energy minimization strategy, the proposed method reduces the hydrogen consumption by 17.68g and the peak current by 21.81A; comparing with the state machine and power decoupling strategy, it reduces the hydrogen consumption by 39.04g and the peak current by 56.9A; moreover, the bus voltage deviation range and the stress of each energy source are significantly improved as well.
Received: 16 December 2020
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