A Pulsed Current Compensator and Control Strategy for High Peak-to-Average-Ratio Low Frequency Pulsed Load |
Yang Fan1, Li Lin2,3, Zhu Jianxin1, Wu Hongfei2 |
1. College of Automation & College of Artificial Intelligence Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications Nanjing 210023 China 2. College of Automation Engineering Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Nanjing 210016 China 3. Nanjing Chenguang Group Co. Ltd Nanjing 210006 China |
Abstract The pulsed power load with high peak-to-average ratio and low-frequency brings challenges to the safe and stable operation of airborne AC-DC power systems. A pulse current compensator for high peak-to-average ratio and low frequency pulse power loads is proposed in this paper. A bi-directional AC-DC converter and a small capacity energy storage capacitor are used to decouple the high peak-to-average ratio pulse load current from the output current of the AC source, and the compensation of low frequency pulsating current and high frequency harmonic current is realized, so that the AC source only needs to provide stable average load power. In order to improve the compensation accuracy of the pulse current compensator and reduce the overshoot and dip of the decoupling capacitor voltage during the sudden change of the pulse load power, a control method combining the decoupling capacitor voltage and the pulse current reference feedforward is proposed. The operation principle and characteristics of the pulse current compensator are analyzed in detail, and the effectiveness of the proposed compensator and its control method is verified through experiments.
Received: 27 August 2021
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