Selective Harmonic Elimination Pulse Width Modulation for High Power Three-Level Rectifier of High-Speed Maglev Traction System |
Zhao Mutian1,2, Ge Qiongxuan1, Zhang Bo1, Fan Enze1,2, Zhu Jinquan1,2 |
1. Key Laboratory of Power Electronics and Electric Drive Institute of Electrical Engineering Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100190 China 2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100049 China |
Abstract The traction power supply system of high-speed maglev train adopts high power back-to-back three-level active neutral point clamped (3L-ANPC) converter. In order to reduce the harmonics of grid-side current at low switching frequency, a selective harmonic elimination pulse width modulation (SHEPWM) strategy suitable for high power 3L-rectifiers was proposed based on linear extended state observer (LESO) and proportional resonance (PR) control in the three-phase static coordinate system. The corresponding dead time compensation method was also designed. During the operation of high-speed maglev train, the load on the inverter side would change sharply due to the changeover of the stator segment, resulting in a significant change in the grid-side current. Considering the poor dynamic performance of SHEPWM, an on-line correction method for the off-line calculated switching angle sequence in the changeover stage was proposed, which could improve the dynamic regulation ability of the rectifier closed-loop control based on SHEPWM. Finally, the back-to-back 3L-ANPC experimental platform was utilized to verify the superiority of SHEPWM in improving the grid-side current quality and the effectiveness of the proposed strategy to improve the dynamic performance of SHEPWM closed-loop control.
Received: 18 November 2021
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