Flying Capacitor Three-Level Bi-Directional Buck-Boost Converter and Its Model Predictive Control Strategy for DC Energy Storage System |
Fan Qigao, Lü Huayang, Bi Kaitao, Zhuang Yu, Zhu Yixin |
School of Internet of Things Engineering Jiangnan University Wuxi 214122 China |
Abstract The DC bus voltage in the photovoltaic system is affected by the generator and load in a wide range. The traditional energy storage DC-DC converter is difficult to adapt to the wide voltage range operation of both energy storage side and bus side. This paper presents a flying capacitor three-level bi-directional Buck-Boost converter for energy storage system, which has a symmetrical topology. When the energy is transferred to any direction, it can realize the power conversion of Boost and Buck, thus solving the application problem under wide bus voltage condition. In addition, a model predictive control (MPC) strategy based on the this converter is proposed. By establishing the predictive model of the inductor current and introducing the double closed-loop control of the inductor current and output voltage, the control objective of stabilizing the output voltage is achieved. At the same time, the independent predictive voltage closed-loop of the flying capacitor is established. On the basis of ensuring the output voltage stabilization, the independent control of the voltage of the bilateral flying capacitor is realized. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed converter and its control strategy is verified by building a small power experimental platform.
Received: 23 July 2021
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