Characteristics Analysis of Buck Converter with Switched Inductor in CCM and DCM |
Qi Jingjing1, Wu Xuezhi1, Wang Jiuhe2, Xu Wenzheng1, Liu Jingdou1 |
1. National Active Distribution Network Technology Research Center Beijing Jiaotong University Beijing 100044 China 2. School of Automation Beijing Information Science and Technology University Beijing 100192 China |
Abstract Buck DC-DC converters with switched inductor can broaden the voltage conversion range and reduce the device current stress. However, in this paper, it is found that the series-parallel switching of the switched inductor unit will make the equivalent current equal to or twice the single inductor current, resulting in an uncertain relationship with the load current and making the converter a non-minimum phase system. Taking the switched inductor Buck converter (SLBC) as an example, based on the operation principle, it is pointed out that there are six matching relationships between the switched inductor unit current and the load current in the continuous conduction mode (CCM), which are closely related to the inductance & duty cycle and affect the output voltage ripple, and there is also a negative regulation phenomenon. In the discontinuous conduction mode (DCM), there is only one correspondence between the switched inductor unit current and the load current, and there is no negative regulation phenomenon. The small signal model of the SLBC is established using the conventional state-space averaging method and the full-order model area method in the CCM and the DCM respectively. It is shown that the RHPZ exists in this converter and the system characteristics are similar to a step-up DC-DC converter. Based on the six matching relationships and the relative position of the RHPZ, the best selection area of inductance and capacitance is given to meet the requirements of steady-state ripple and dynamic response comprehensively. Finally, the correctness of the analysis in this paper is verified by experiments.
Received: 23 August 2021
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