Active Disturbance Rejection Control with Automatic Optimization for Low-Voltage Interface Converter in Microgrid |
Tao Long, Wang Ping, Wang Yifeng, Ma Xiaoyong, Cheng Pengyu |
Key Laboratory of Smart Grid of Ministry of Education Tianjin University Tianjin 300072 China |
Abstract Hybrid energy storage microgrid can accommodate distributed energy well with flexible switching of parallel and off-grid modes, but the power quality of its step-down interface will be affected under complex working conditions. Therefore, an active disturbance rejection control strategy with parameter optimization (FLADRC) is proposed to transform the outer loop of the traditional double closed loop PI control mode in this paper. Firstly, the converter model is analyzed and simplified according to the requirements, and the model is established by the state space averaging method. Then, the linear extended state observer (LESO) matrix of FLADRC is designed according to the model information contained in the state equation. In the frequency domain analysis part, the system performance of FLADRC is explored, and the tracking, convergence and disturbance immunity of FLADRC are theoretically analyzed. Based on the analysis results, the fuzzy logic rules of parameter optimization are given. In addition, Lyapunov theory is used to prove the stability of the microgrid interface converter when FLADRC is applied. Finally, the dynamic curves of different control strategies under various working conditions were obtained by tests on a 40KW experimental platform, which verifies the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed FLADRC method.
Received: 13 September 2021
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