A Multiple Resonant Based on Reference Feedforward Adaptive Voltage Control of Three-Phase Inverter |
Huang Renzhi1, Quan Xiangjun1, Wu Zaijun1, Hu Qinran1, Li Shufeng2 |
1. School of Electrical Engineering Southeast University Nanjing 210096 China 2. State Grid Inner Mongolia East Electric Power Co. Ltd Hohhot 010010 China |
Abstract This paper proposes a multiple resonant based reference feedforward adaptive voltage control for three-phase inverters. The state-space model is established based on complex variables. Then, the proposed voltage controller includes two control parts: power control input and signal control input. The former improvesdynamic performance using state feedback and reference feedforward. A dynamic adaptive gain of the reference feedforward is defined as the signal control input, and the integral resonant controller is used to achieve no static error control. The rule of parameter variation is discussed by the root locus method to improve the dynamic performance. The proposed control strategy is a new type of multiple resonance control structure, and a new adaptive control idea is given. Besides, the proposed control method has excellent voltage regulation performance, including fast transient response, zero steady-state error, and low total harmonic distortion. The experimental results verify the proposed control scheme.
Received: 13 September 2021
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