Condition Monitoring and Protection Circuit for IGBTs Based on Parallel Comparison Methods of Quantized Voltages |
Huang Xianjin, Li Xin, Liu Yixin, Wang Fengchuan, Gao Guangang |
School of Electrical Engineering Beijing Jiaotong University Beijing 100044 China |
Abstract The high-power insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) module is a key component in the medium-high voltage and large-capacity power electronic converter system, while the existing gate driver is a critical factor influencing the performance of the IGBT module and converter system. Literature about the reliability of IGBT revealed that the condition monitoring and protection by gate drivers for the random failure and wear-out failure is currently the only way to achieve the fastest fault diagnosis on packaged IGBT modules at a low cost. Hence, this paper presents the condition monitoring and protection circuit based on parallel comparison of quantized voltages. Firstly, this paper analyzes the parasitic parameters' effects on saturated on-state voltage drop Vce(sat), short-circuit current Isc, turn-on delay time tdon and gate peak current Igpeak using the equivalent circuit of high-power IGBT module. Based on the variation range under different aging degrees, the life cycle safe operating area is established to provide a basis for quantized voltage setting. Then, taking Vce(sat) and tdon as the detection signals, the proposed monitoring circuit and control scheme are introduced. The detection signals are quantized by setting several specific thresholds, and the multiple-comparator circuit's logic output signals are used to judge short-circuit faults and degradation degree of the IGBT module in real time. Finally, the feasibility and correctness of the proposed method are verified by Pspice simulation.
Received: 11 July 2020
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