Analysis of High Temperature Wide Band Dielectric Properties of Organic Silicone Elastomer for High Voltage SiC Device Packaging |
Liu Dongming1, Li Xuebao1, Xu Jiayu1,2, Mao Yuan1, Zhao Zhibin1 |
1. State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China; 2. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Virginia Tech Blacksburg 24060 USA |
Abstract Because of their good insulation and high temperature resistance, organic silicone elastomers are widely used in SiC devices under high frequency, high pressure and high temperature working conditions. In a wide range of frequency and temperature, the dielectric properties of silicone elastomer materials have a great impact on the electric field distribution in SiC devices. Therefore, the dielectric properties of organic silicone elastomers with wide broadband (10-2~107Hz) range and wide temperature (20~280℃) range were obtained by frequency-domain dielectric spectrum analysis in this paper. The dielectric process of silicon elastomers at different frequencies and temperatures was revealed, the method of distinguishing low-frequency dispersion process from relaxation polarization process was improved, and an improved Cole-Cole model was introduced. Finally, the influence of temperature on the dielectric response process and dielectric characteristic parameters of organic silicone elastomers was obtained. The results show that with the increase of frequency, the real part of the complex dielectric constant decreases and tends to be stable, while the imaginary part of the complex dielectric constant decreases first and then rises to the peak value. Temperature and frequency have great influence on the dielectric properties of the organic silicone elastomer. Under the condition of high temperature and low frequency, the organic silicone elastomer material has obvious phenomena of low frequency dispersion and charge diffusion. The characteristic parameters of Cole-Cole model at different temperatures are extracted. The relationship of the DC conductivity σdc, the relaxation intensity Δε and the low frequency dispersion strength ξ with temperature satisfies the Arrhenius equation law. The high frequency dielectric constant ε∞ shows an approximate first-order function relationship with temperature and decreases with the increase of temperature; the relaxation time τ decreases with the increase of temperature at high temperature, and its mechanism can be revealed by the double well model. The characteristic parameters obtained in this paper provide data support for insulating design of SiC device package.
Received: 30 August 2020
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