Resonant Drive Technology and Reverse Conduction Characteristics of Low Voltage GaN Devices |
Zhao Qinglin, Cui Shaowei, Yuan Jing, Wang Deyu |
Hebei Key Laboratory of Power Electronics Energy Saving and Transmission Control Yanshan University Qinhuangdao 066004 China |
Abstract After silicon (Si) and gallium arsenide (GaAs), semiconductor material has third generation of wide band gap semiconductor materials represented by gallium nitride (GaN). Its characteristics include high critical breakdown electric field, high saturation electron speed, high electron density, high electron mobility and high thermal conductivity. It is suitable for high frequency, high pressure and high temperature, high power semiconductor materials with high radiation resistance. Because the switching characteristics, driving technology and loss mechanism of GaN devices have significant differences compared with the Si MOSFET, how to realize the rational drive method is very important to achieve its advantages. Taking a synchronous buck converter as an example, a resonant driving technique was proposed, and a bias voltage was added to the gate of the rectifier transistor to reduce the reverse voltage drop and improve the efficiency. The experimental results show that the resonant drive technology can effectively improve the reliability of the drive, and the efficiency of the converter can also be effectively improved after adding the bias voltage.
Received: 29 June 2018
Published: 29 July 2019
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