Cascode GaN HEMT Switching Process Oscillation in DC Solid State Power Controller |
Zhao Ruibo, Wang Li, Huang Rui |
College of Automation Engineering Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Nanjing 211100 China |
Abstract In this paper, the oscillation problem of DC solid-state power controller (SSPC) based on Cascode Gallium Nitride high electron mobility transistor (Cascode GaN HEMT) during the turn-on process is analyzed. The SPICE model and Q3D software are used to extract the internal parasitic parameters of the Cascode structure. Combining the actual working conditions of the DC SSPC and the Cascode structure, the turn-on and turn-off process of the SSPC is simulated and analyzed in the Saber software. The simulation results show that one of the causes of the oscillation is that Cascode GaN HEMT works in the saturation region for a long time during the SSPC turn-on process, and is so susceptible to external interference to cause oscillation, and the another cause is a positive feedback loop inside . To solve this problem, the scheme of paralleling RC absorption circuit and increasing gate drive resistance is proposed. Experimental verification shows that the proposed scheme can effectively suppress the oscillation.
Received: 11 July 2020
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