Reliability Evaluation Method of DC Circuit Breaker Based on Markov Model |
Zhao Shutao1, Wang Bo1, Hua Huichun2, Zhu Jipeng3 |
1. School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering North China Electric Power University Baoding 071003 China; 2. State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Co. Ltd Huzhou Power Supply Company Huzhou 313000 China |
Abstract The success or failure of a DC breaker control current on-off depends on the overall reliability. Based on the topology of mechanical, hybrid and all solid state DC circuit breakers, fault trees are used to sort out the fault events of each branch. A Markov evaluation model is used to describe the transfer process between the components of the DC circuit breaker and the whole and different fault states. A method based on fault rate and availability characteristic parameters to evaluate the steady-state operation state probability of different topology DC circuit breakers is proposed. Finally, the reliability calculation of three different topology DC breakers in ±7.5kV medium voltage DC distribution network is carried out, the weak links affecting the overall reliability are identified, and the trend of reliability with redundancy design is predicted. The results show that the mechanical DC circuit breaker has the highest availability at present, and mechanical switch and IGBT module are the main factors restrict the reliability of circuit breakers. With the development of power electronic device technology, the availability of all solid state DC circuit breaker will exceed that of mechanical type by reasonable redundancy design, which will have more application advantages in the future development of DC distribution network.
Received: 11 July 2018
Published: 29 July 2019
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