The On-Site Method for the Loss Characteristic in Power Transformer |
Zhang Ronglun1, Wang Shuai2, Mu Haibao2, Zhang Guanjun2, Huang Song1 |
1. Electric Power Research Institute of Hainan Power Grid Co. Ltd Haikou 570100 China; 2. State Key Laboratory of Electrical Insulation and Power Equipment Xi’an Jiaotong University Xi’an 710049 China; |
Abstract The loss characteristic of power transformer can reflect its working condition, which is related to the safety and stabilization of the power system. However, the traditional transformer loss test needs to be tested offline, which will affect the continuity of power supply and fail to reflect the real status of transformer. In this paper, a new on-site method for the loss characteristic of power transformer is designed. Besides, considering the spectrum leakage and grid effect in the signal processing, interpolation algorithm with Blackman-Harris window is applied. Consequently, an on-site measuring system for the load and no-load losses of the transformer is designed, which solves the problems of no-load current measurement accuracy, the signal synchronism and signal interference. The no-load and load tests are carried out on the transformers at a substation with the on-site measuring system. It is proved that the on-site measuring system is feasible.
Received: 18 January 2018
Published: 01 March 2019
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