Junction Temperature Extraction Methods for Si and SiC Power Devices—a Review and Possible Alternatives |
Wang Lina1, Deng Jie1, Yang Junyi1, Li Wuhua2 |
1. School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering Beihang University Beijing 100191 China; 2. College of Electrical Engineering Zhejiang University Hangzhou 310027 China |
Abstract Accurate online extraction of junction temperature for power semiconductor devices is essential for intelligent switching control, performance evaluation, active thermal management, health assessment and device lifetime optimization. The main contribution of this paper is to thoroughly review the extraction theory and main features of the existing junction temperature extraction methods for Si and SiC devices. Furthermore, these methods were evaluated and compared from the criteria of sensitivity, measuring frequency, virulence and linearity. Then, together with the investigation of temperature characteristics of SiC JFET devices, a novel non-invasive junction temperature extraction method was proposed based on the gate reverse breakdown voltage of SiC JFET devices. The simulation results verified the correctness and effectiveness of the proposed method.
Received: 12 March 2018
Published: 01 March 2019
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