Electromagnetic Harmonic Response Analysis Method of Inter-Turn Short Circuit in Transformer Winding Based on Field Circuit Coupling |
Pan Chao1, Mi Jian1, Wang Gewan1, Cai Guowei1, Zhang Yonghui2 |
1. Northeast Electric Power University Jilin 132012 China; 2. Jilin Baishan Power Plant Songhuajiang Hydraopower Co. Ltd Jilin 132400 China |
Abstract :Inter-turn short circuit may cause serious deformation or even burnout of the windings of transformer, thereby affecting the safety and stability of equipment and even the power system. In this paper, a three-dimensional finite element model of single-phase transformer is built based on the field-circuit coupled theory, and the transformer inter-turn short circuit problem is studied in no-load operation. By analyzing the winding current, flux and force as inter-turn short circuit appears in different positions, the relationship between the transformer excitation and the winding force is studied, and the changing regulation is summarized. The numerical simulation and physical test are then carried out. The vibration acceleration of short circuit winding is simulated and measured. By comparing the simulation results with the experimental data, the correctness and effectiveness of the method are verified.
Received: 28 January 2018
Published: 01 March 2019
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