Analysis ofNo-Load Voltage Build-up for Self-ExcitedInduction Generator Based on Routh Criterion |
Li Jia, Wu Xinzhen, Wang Haifeng |
Automation and Electrical Engineering College Qingdao University Qingdao 266071 China |
Abstract In view of the isolated self-excited induction generator (SEIG) system, the Routh criterion for system stability is used to analyse no-load voltage build-up performance. The state equations of SEIG are established based on the transient equivalent circuits under static reference frame, from which the characteristic polynomial of the state matrix is obtained. The recursive Routh table of SEIG is given according to Routh stability criterion, andthe critical minimum capacitance and maximumcapacitance under no-load voltage build-up of SEIG are calculated. The calculated results of SEIG prototype are verified to be accurate and effective by comparing with the experimental ones. The method with Routh criterion for stability analysis of SEIG is firstly proposed in the paper and its effectiveness is illustrated in voltage build-up process.The Routh criterion stability analysis method is clear in theory, simple in programming and easy to implement. The conclusions achieved lay a foundation for further application of Routh stability criterion in SEIG analysis.
Received: 20 February 2017
Published: 12 April 2018
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