Study on the Design and Movement Characteristics Simulation of a Fast Repulsion Mechanism Based on Double-Coil Structure |
Zhang Li, Ruan Jiangjun, Huang Daochun, Li Peng |
School of Electrical Engineering Wuhan University Wuhan 430072 China |
Abstract Although in recent years, the electromagnetic repulsion mechanism based on the eddy current repulsive force has quickly become a hotspot, the mechanism is not applicable to high-voltage circuit breaker of long clearance between open contacts. Thus, this paper puts forward a new fast repulsion mechanism based on double-coil-structure. Its mathematic model and movement characteristic simulations have been carried out. Compared with the electromagnetic repulsion mechanism, the results show that proposed mechanism has more obvious advantages and higher energy efficiency. Finally, in terms of the parameter requirements of 40.5kV vacuum circuit breaker, the effects of parameters on the motion characteristics are compared and analyzed, that is, the most important parameter is initial clearance between the two coils, followed by the number of coil axial turns, the least is the number of coil radial turns. Finally, the prospect about the mechanism used in vacuum circuit breaker of long clearance and high voltage is put forward. This paper provides a certain reference for the motion characteristics of new fast repulsion mechanism.
Received: 15 February 2017
Published: 31 January 2018
Fund:国家重点研发计划资助项目(2017YFB0902404) |
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