Research Review on Topology and Control Strategy of PV and Energy Storage Connected to Railway Traction Power Supply Systems
Chen Chong1, Jia Limin1,2, Zhao Tianyu1, Shao Chenhu3, Wang Yanghui4
1. China Institute of Energy and Transportation Integrated Development North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China; 2. School of Traffic and Transportation Beijing Jiaotong University Beijing 100044 China; 3. Beijing Nego Automation Technology Co. Ltd Beijing 100044 China; 4. State Grid TaiShun Electric Power Supply Company Wenzhou 317101 China
Abstract:Under the guidance of “carbon peaking and carbon neutrality” goals, integrating photovoltaics and energy storage into railway traction power supply systems has become a general trend. The random strong fluctuation characteristics of photovoltaic power generation and locomotive load need adaptive topology architecture and intelligent energy scheduling strategies. Flexible and effective converter control methods become powerful measures for railway traction power supply systems embedded with photovoltaic and energy storage. This paper reviews the topology architecture and control strategies of photovoltaic and energy storage in electrified railways. This paper categorizes photovoltaic and energy storage schemes in railway traction power supply systems into three-phase, single-phase, two-phase, in-phase, and DC types. Then, each scheme’s definition, characteristics, and topology are summarized. The different topological architectures are analyzed from perspectives of traction power supply systems and inverter equipment. The control strategies of photovoltaic and energy storage implantation in railway traction power supply systems can be divided into photovoltaic implantation strategy, energy storage implantation strategy, and photovoltaic and energy storage synergy strategy according to the energy layer and converter layer. In the photovoltaic implantation strategy, typical achievements of energy control strategies based on the enumeration method and particle swarm optimization method are proposed, and the converter control strategies for the typical topologies connected with two-phase or three-phase are introduced. In the energy storage implantation strategy, this paper subdivides the categories, working principles, and typical achievements of energy control strategies according to threshold rules, proportion rules, fuzzy rules, and optimization models. A detailed comparison is given from categories, applicable energy storage media, advantages, and disadvantages, and a flow control strategy is introduced based on RPC and MMC two-phase access topologies. In the photovoltaic and energy storage synergy strategy, the typical achievements of energy control strategies based on the optimization model method are presented. Meanwhile, a converter control strategy is proposed based on typical topologies of RPC two-phase access and DC access. This paper looks forward to the novel railway traction power supply system implanted with photovoltaics and energy storage from three aspects- electrical topology, energy management, and converter control. Based on the primary demand and pain points of strong, weak, and non-electric scenarios, this paper introduces eight configuration schemes and nine topology architectures adapted to different assessment schemes. An energy management system is proposed based on cloud-edge collaborative next-generation artificial intelligence technology to meet self-contained scheduling and collaborative operation of new traction power supply systems. A current control strategy with a voltage source attribute is proposed to ensure the stable, reliable, and safe operation of a new traction power supply system under strong random fluctuations of source and load. The conclusions can be drawn as follows. (1) The railway traction power supply systems implanted with photovoltaic and energy storage have yet to form a systematic solution set in electrical topology architecture. (2) The current top-level design logic for integrating photovoltaics and energy storage into railway traction power supply systems takes the strong grid as its main support to design the system topology architecture and control strategies. More research needs to be conducted for novel railway traction power supply systems under weak or non-grid scenarios. (3) Constructing a new railway traction power supply system with renewable energy and energy storage is an inevitable trend. Therefore, closed-loop research is urgent, including the topology architecture, planning and configuration, stable control, self-contained scheduling, engineering construction, and effect evaluation. Thus, a technical system for the new railway traction power supply system can be formed.
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Chen Chong, Jia Limin, Zhao Tianyu, Shao Chenhu, Wang Yanghui. Research Review on Topology and Control Strategy of PV and Energy Storage Connected to Railway Traction Power Supply Systems. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2024, 39(24): 7874-7901.
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