Comprehensive Adaptive Primary Frequency Control Strategy Based on Battery Energy Storage System
Liang Jiye1, Yuan Zhi1, Wang Weiqing1, Li Ji2
1. Renewable Energy Power Generation and Grid-Connection Control Engineering Research Center Ministry of Education Xinjiang University Urumqi 830017 China;
2. Institute of Electric Power Science State Grid Xinjiang Electric Power Co. Ltd Urumqi 830011 China
The primary frequency control of thermal power units has low energy efficiency and negative impact on the environment. The energy storage battery has the characteristic of fast response speed, but the control strategy of the energy storage system only considers the State of Charge (SOC) near the minimum value in the discharge state, or the adaptive control when SOC is near the maximum value in the charging state, which has poor adaptability and does not consider the SOC estimation accuracy. As a result, the control strategy of the energy storage system has poor effect on inhibiting the deterioration of the power grid frequency, and then limits the performance of the energy storage system when it participates in the primary frequency control. To solve this problem, this paper proposes a comprehensive adaptive primary frequency control strategy based on battery energy storage system.
Firstly, the trend control strategy and the inertia and sag control strategy are combined to define the trend output of the battery energy storage system and the frequency acceleration of the power grid, and explain the relationship among the frequency acceleration, frequency change rate and frequency deviation of the power grid. Secondly, the output coefficient of the battery energy storage system is adaptive control, and the trend coefficient is determined according to the frequency acceleration of the power grid, the inertia coefficient is determined according to the frequency change rate of the power grid, and the sag coefficient is determined according to the frequency deviation of the power grid, so as to improve the adaptive ability of the energy storage system. Finally, in order to prevent the energy storage battery from overcharging and over discharging and improve the SOC estimation accuracy, a multi-element adaptive SOC estimation method is proposed.
Simulation results show that in the step load disturbance, the maximum frequency deviation and steady-state frequency deviation of the proposed method are the smallest, which are -0.061 Hz and -0.049 Hz respectively. Compared with the adaptive method, the maximum frequency deviation and steady-state frequency deviation are reduced by 20.7% and 40.0% respectively. SOC has the highest accuracy, with a maximum error of 0.09% and an average error of 0.01%. In the short-time continuous load disturbance, the grid frequency deviation of the proposed method is 0.038 Hz, the peak-to-peak value is 0.126 Hz, the average SOC is 0.474, the peak-to-peak value is 0.052, and the grid frequency deviation is the smallest, and the SOC fluctuation is large. In the case of long-term continuous load disturbance, the frequency deviation and peak-to-peak value of the proposed method are 0.035 Hz and 0.126 Hz respectively, and the single frequency control effect is the best. Compared with the adaptive method, the average frequency difference deviation and frequency peak-to-peak value are reduced by 50.0% and 21.5% respectively.
The following conclusions are drawn: (1) The trend control strategy can slow down the frequency deterioration, speed up the frequency recovery and reduce the maximum frequency deviation of the power grid. (2) Adaptive determination of output coefficient effectively reduces the maximum steady-state frequency deviation of the power grid and improves the adaptability of the energy storage system. (3) The multi-component adaptive humic acid SOC method is mainly based on ampere-hour integration method, and gradually transitions to Kalman filter method, which effectively reduces the maximum and average estimation errors.
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Liang Jiye, Yuan Zhi, Wang Weiqing, Li Ji. Comprehensive Adaptive Primary Frequency Control Strategy Based on Battery Energy Storage System. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 0, (): 240456-240456.
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