Stability Analysis of Electrified Railway Multiple Train-Network System Based on Impedance Measurement Information
Tang Shengde1, Hu Haitao1, Xiao Donghua1, Chen Gang2, Li Xiaopeng2
1. School of Electrical Engineering Southwest Jiaotong University Chengdu 611756 China;
2. Electric Power Research Institute of State Grid Sichuan Electric Power Company Chengdu 610041 China
With the increasing investment of electric trains in electrified railways, the wide-band oscillation phenomenon frequently occurs in the electric train-traction power supply network (train-network) system. The use of impedance measurement technology to accurately obtain the wide-band impedance characteristics of the traction power supply network and electric train has become an important way to reveal the wide-band oscillation problem of the electrified railway train-network system. However, the utilization of impedance measurement information is mainly focused on the stability analysis of single train system, lacking the wide-band stability analysis of multiple train system that consider the impedance of traction lines between difference trains. Moreover, existing analyses often focus on a single stability issue, only analyzing impedance measurement information in a specific frequency band, and have not fully applied the entire wide-band impedance information of train and network. Therefore, this paper presents a stability analysis method for the multiple train-network system based on impedance measurement information, which can conduct a unified analysis of typical wide-band oscillation problems in train-network system.
Firstly, an active measurement method for the dq-frame impedance matrix of traction power supply network nodes and train is provided, which is used to obtain the impedance information of train and network required for stability analysis. Secondly, considering the impedance of traction lines between different trains, a multiple train-network system model based on multi-nodes is established and its impedance transfer function matrix is derived, which can be equivalent to a multi-input multi-output (MIMO) negative feedback system. The stability of multi-train system is evaluated by the determinant of impedance return-difference matrix of the train and network system, and the oscillation frequency of system can be obtained by identifying its right half plane (RHP) zero, extremely simplifying the analysis process of the multiple train-network system. The proposed method is used to analyze three typical oscillation problems: low-frequency oscillation, harmonic resonance and harmonic instability in electrified railway, and compared with the cascaded system analysis method based on a single node. The results indicate that ignoring the impedance of the traction line may lead to incorrect analysis results. Finally, the analysis method is simulated and verified based on MATLAB/Simulink. The simulation results of the multiple train-network system under different conditions are basically consistent with the stability analysis results, which proves the effectiveness of the proposed method.
The following conclusions can be drawn from the simulation analysis: (1) The three types of stability problems of electrified railways can be unified in the frequency domain by utilizing the measured train and network wide-band impedance information, which compensates for the shortcomings of only analyzing single oscillation problems. (2) The stability analysis process is simple, and the oscillation frequency of system can be directly identified by finding the RHP zero point of the determinant of impedance return-difference matrix, avoiding the tedious process of verifying the Nyquist curve for each eigenvalue. (3) Compared to stability analysis methods based on theoretical modeling, the proposed method only requires impedance measurement data and can predict the stability of multiple train-network system, without the need to master detailed parameters of the network and train.
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