Photovoltaic-Hydrogen Energy Storage Multi-Agent Decentralized Cooperative Scheduling Based on Stochastic-NH Bargaining Game
Wang Xuejie1, Zhao Huiru2, Cao Yiqiong2, Zhao Mingrui3
1. School of Vehicles and Transportation Tsinghua University Beijing 100084 China;
2. School of Economics and Management, North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China;
3. China Electric Power Enterprise Federation Electric Power Construction Technology and Economic Consulting Center Beijing 100032 China
将光伏(Photovoltaic, PV)主体与氢储能(Hydrogen energy storage, HES)主体结合,形成PV-HES联合系统,是促进可再生能源就地消纳,实现能源低碳转型的有效措施。针对光伏出力随机干扰及主体互异等问题,提出了PV-HES的分散协同调度模型。首先,基于Nash-Harsanyi讨价还价理论建立PV-HES的多主体合作运行模型,并将其等效转化为电能交易量确定子问题和电能交易成本确定子问题。为了保护各主体隐私,运用改进的交替方向乘子法对上述两个子问题进行分布式求解。最后,在一个典型的PV-HES联合系统中进行算例仿真,以验证所提分散协同调度模型以及分布式求解算法的有效性。仿真结果表明氢储能主体的运营成本分别降低了11.67%和10.48%,光伏运营商的收益提高了15.72%。此外,通过对交替方向乘子法的改进也提高了系统的求解效率。
Integrating photovoltaic (PV) and hydrogen energy storage (HES) into a PV-HES joint system proves to be an effective strategy in boosting local consumption of renewable energy and facilitating the low-carbon transformation of energy. The system's internal photovoltaic output and load exhibit considerable randomness, influencing the system's stable operation. Additionally, PV and HES, being typically associated with different stakeholders, each prioritize maximizing their own interests, which limits the effective operation of the PV-HES joint system. Current research often overlooks the bargaining power of diverse entities within the system, failing to fully portray each entity's actual contributions in cooperative efforts amidst uncertainties. In response to these problems, the relationships between entities in the PV-HES combined system should be coordinated and multiple uncertainties should be considered to ensure the stable operation of the PV-HES combined system.
Initially, utilizing Nash-Harsanyi bargaining game theory, the study formulates a multi-agent cooperative operational model for PV-HES. This model equivalently addresses the determination of power transaction volume and power transaction cost as distinct subproblems. The Nash-Harsanyi bargaining game extends the Nash bargaining game into an asymmetric game model. This model accounts for participants' bargaining power and their contributions in cooperative efforts, ensuring a fair distribution of benefits. Secondly, stochastic optimal operating models for PV and HES systems were created using probabilistic scenarios, considering uncertainties in both energy supply and load aspects. These models aim to minimize cooperative operational costs. Thirdly, to safeguard the privacy of each participant, the improvement of alternating direction multiplier method (ADMM) is employed to address the aforementioned two subproblems. This method utilizes a two-stage dynamic step size correction approach.
To validate the efficacy of the proposed decentralized collaborative scheduling model and distributed solving algorithm, simulations were performed on a standard PV-HES joint system. "The simulation results indicate a reduction in operating costs for HES entities by 11.67% and 10.48% respectively, alongside a 15.72% increase in profit for PV aggregators. Furthermore, the improvement of ADMM method significantly boosts system efficiency, reducing solving time by 70% compared to the traditional ADMM algorithm. The calculation outcomes validate the model's advantages in reducing cooperative operating costs, enhancing solving efficiency, and fostering the utilization of renewable energy.
The simulation analysis yields the following conclusions: (1) The proposed multi-agent cooperative operation model of PV-HES strikes a balance between individual rationality and alliance rationality. Unlike traditional cooperative approaches, this model comprehensively accounts for various uncertainties, including energy trading, entities' bargaining power, information privacy, and source load. (2) Employing the enhanced alternating direction multiplier method (ADMM) to resolve the electricity trading quantum problem and its associated cost exhibits favorable convergence characteristics. While safeguarding the confidentiality of individual data, this improved ADMM algorithm effectively addresses the multi-agent collaborative operation problem within PV-HES.
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