Dispatch Acceleration of Integrated Electricity and Gas System Using Branch-and-Bound Search Information
Gao Qian1, Yang Zhifang1, Li Wenyuan1, Lu Yudong2
1. State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment Technology Chongqing University Chongqing 400044 China;
2. State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Co. Ltd Research Institute Hangzhou 310014 China
电-气互联系统调度决策问题旨在实现天然气系统和电力系统中可调节资源的最佳配置,其精准性与高效性直接影响电-气互联系统运行的安全性与经济性。为描述可调节资源离散状态、非线性运行特性等物理性质,电-气互联系统调度决策问题中含有规模庞大的离散决策变量,模型复杂度高,使得现有依赖于商业混合整数线性规划(Mixed Integer Linear Programming, MILP)求解器的电力系统运筹优化技术面临“组合爆炸”的计算负担。为此,本文提出了一种分支定界搜索信息深度引导的电-气互联系统调度决策加速求解方法。所提方法利用分支定界初始搜索阶段的信息构建小规模辅助MILP模型,并内嵌于分支定界搜索过程,引导剪除更多冗余搜索空间,在不损失最优性的前提下加速收敛。基于RTS-GMLC电力系统和天然气系统不同负荷水平及线性分段数下的30个算例仿真结果说明,相比于直接使用商业MILP求解器,所提方法在不损失最优性的前提下可实现平均4.20倍的加速,验证了所提方法的有效性。
The dispatch problem in integrated electricity and gas system is formulated as the mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) form to describe the discrete feature of resources (such as the unit statuses) and nonlinear operation rules (such as the power flow equation, the Weymouth equation, etc.). The optimal solution achieves the best allocation of resources and indicates the security and economic of the integrated electricity and gas system. However, the large-scale integer variables bring the “combinatorial explosion” challenge, even for the state-of-the-art commercial solvers. To address this problem, existing research focuses on the external algorithms, such as reformulating, reducing the scale of constraints/integer variables, etc. However, it is hard to balance the solution efficiency and the error bound guarantees in practice.
Therefore, this paper proposes an internal algorithm that is highly combined with the search information in the branch-and-bound process. The distinct advantage of the proposed method is that the unique structure of integrated electricity and gas system is considered along with the abundant information during the solution process. As a result, the proposed method can achieve an acceleration with optimality guaranteed. This paper reviews the MILP formulation of the dispatch problem in integrated electricity and gas system, and focuses on the computational bottleneck, i.e., the large-scale integer variables introduced by the piecewise linearization structure of the Weymouth equation. Because most of integer variables in the piecewise linearization structure remains zero, this paper proposes to evaluate the potential effective range of integer variables in the optimal solution, based on the branch-and-bound search information.
First, the proposed method collects the relaxation solutions during the initial stage of the branch-and-bound process, to build a search information dataset that implies the optimal value of the piecewise linearization structure. The relaxation solutions are easy to obtain, and they provide lower bounds to the current search tree. Therefore, the idea is that if an integer variable of the piecewise linearization always lies in a similar range across the abundant relaxation solutions, it is likely to remain the same pattern in the optimal solution. Second, the k-nearest neighbors regression algorithm is used to estimate the potential effective range of the piecewise linearization structure. Third, the proposed method builds a small-scale MILP model and solves it in parallel to produce a better solution than the main branch-and-bound process. As a result, the redundant search space in the search tree is pruned by the better solution with no accuracy loss and the optimality is guaranteed.
In the case study, the effectiveness of the proposed method has been demonstrated in several aspects based on test cases of RTS-GMLC and gas system. First, for different scales of piecewise linearization structures, compared with the commercial solver, the proposed method accelerates the dispatch problem from 1.60 times to 36.90 times (11.28 times on average). The result also shows that with the improvement of the piecewise linearization scale, the computational burden suddenly increases and can be significantly mitigated by the proposed method, which provides a balance between the formulation precision and the computational efficiency. Second, for 30 test cases using different power demands, the proposed method accelerates the dispatch problem from 1.64 times to 13.52 times (4.20 times on average). It shows that the proposed method behaves well in complicated operation conditions. Third, the case study discusses some details of the proposed method, including the feasibility repair, the prediction accuracy, the upper bound convergence, the search tree scale, and time cost of each step, which provides a thoroughly analysis for the proposed method. Finally, a test case is used to demonstrate the effectiveness in the large-scale system.
In conclusion, this paper proposes an acceleration algorithm for the dispatch problem in integrated electricity and gas system. The proposed method improves the solution efficiency without the loss of the optimality guarantees, which is promising in practical and provides a novel view on the optimization in power systems.
高倩, 杨知方, 李文沅, 卢毓东. 分支定界搜索信息深度引导的电-气互联系统调度决策加速求解方法[J]. 电工技术学报, 0, (): 230714-230714.
Gao Qian, Yang Zhifang, Li Wenyuan, Lu Yudong. Dispatch Acceleration of Integrated Electricity and Gas System Using Branch-and-Bound Search Information. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 0, (): 230714-230714.
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