Research on Emergency Power Control of AC/DC Hybrid Power System with Flexible DC
Shu Hongchun1,3, Shao Zongxue1,2, Zhao Wei3, Bao Guangjiao3
1. State Key Laboratory of Collaborative Innovation Center for Smart Grid Fault Detection Protection and Control Jointly;
2. Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Kunming University of Science and Technology Kunming University of Science and Technology Kunming 650051 China;
3. Faculty of Electric Power Engineering Kunming 650051 China
The emergency power control of the DC system is used to balance the power shortage in the system, reduce the frequency deviation of the generator set, and improve the transient frequency stability of the system. In the AC/DC hybrid power system with flexible DC, how to use the flexible DC to improve the stability of the AC/DC hybrid power system is a key technical problem that needs to be solved urgently. When traditional DC (line commuted converter,LCC) performs emergency power support, it is difficult to independently decouple control of active power and reactive power, and a large number of reactive power compensation devices need to be configured. In order to solve this problem, the conventional DC inverter station LCC in the existing AC/DC hybrid system is replaced with a flexible DC converter station (voltage source converter,VSC). Based on the respective advantages of LCC-LCC and LCC-VSC, a prioritized emergency power support coordination control strategy is proposed, that is, when the AC/DC hybrid system with flexible DC needs DC emergency power support, the LCC-VSC is preferentially used to provide emergency power support to the system, if the power shortage exceeds the power regulation margin of LCC-VSC, the remaining power is transmitted by LCC-LCC.
The fast power regulation characteristics of the DC system are used to rebalance the system power shortage. Firstly, the theory of DC participation in emergency frequency support is analyzed. Then, a priority hierarchical coordinated control strategy is designed. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed scheme in realizing emergency frequency support is verified by simulation.
For the AC system N-1, N-2 fault and LCC bipolar blocking three fault conditions in the AC/DC hybrid power system with flexible DC, the flexible DC is preferentially selected for emergency power support control. When N-1 fault occurs , Compared with no DC emergency power support, LCC-VSC is preferred for emergency power support, The transmission power burden of non-fault pole AC line 2 is greatly alleviated, the AC frequency fluctuation rate is reduced by 40 %, and the system frequency is quickly restored and stabilized to 50 Hz. When N-2 fault occurs, the system frequency offset exceeds 0.5 Hz without DC emergency power support. The LCC-VSC is preferentially used for emergency power support, and the remaining power is then transmitted by LCC-LCC. The system frequency fluctuation rate is reduced by 65.9 %, and the LCC-LCC and LCC-VSC transmission power values are within the allowable range. When LCC-LCC bipolar blocking , LCC-LCC VSC is preferred for emergency power support, and the remaining power is transmitted by AC lines 1 and 2, and the system frequency fluctuation rate is reduced by 20 %.Through the emergency power coordinated control of LCC-VSC and LCC-LCC, the system frequency is quickly restored to stability. After the emergency power coordinated control is started, the system frequency is basically restored to 50 Hz after 60 ms. When the emergency power control is only carried out through LCC-LCC, compared with the emergency power coordinated control of LCC-VSC and LCC-LCC, the system frequency recovery time is significantly longer.
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Shu Hongchun, Shao Zongxue, Zhao Wei, Bao Guangjiao. Research on Emergency Power Control of AC/DC Hybrid Power System with Flexible DC. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 0, (): 8903-.
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