The doubly salient electro-magnetic machine (DSEM) has been proposed by introducing additional field windings on the stator of the switched reluctance motor (SRM). Therefore, the DSEM has advantages of simple and reliable structure, and flexible flux-regulation ability, which make the DSEM suitable for wide speed range operation. However, due to the non-sinusoidal back electromotive force (EMF) of DSEM, the phase current has significant 2nd and 4th current harmonics under the conventional sinusoidal current control method. The 2nd and 4th current harmonics will deteriorate the torque capability of the DSEM. Meanwhile, the high harmonic frequency of the DSEM makes the conventional quasi proportional resonant (PR) controller have considerable resonance frequency deviation under conventional discretization method. To address this issue, an improved quasi-PR control has been proposed based on the discretization method with zero resonance frequency deviation in this paper.
Firstly, the production mechanism of the current harmonics is analyzed with the help of the back-EMF characteristics of DSEM. Then, the average torque model of the DSEM considering the current and back-EMF harmonics is derived. Secondly, the operation principle of quasi-PR control is introduced and the influence of control parameter is analyzed through bode diagram. Then, the equation of resonance frequency deviation under conventional bilinear transform is derived. The discretization method with zero resonance frequency deviation is proposed by introducing the compensation coefficient based on bilinear transform. Furthermore, the improved discretization equation is simplified by replacing tangent function with polynomial function. The amplitude-frequency response shows that the improved quasi-PR controller can effectively compensate the resonance frequency deviation. Finally, the current harmonics suppression method of DSEM based on improved quasi-PR control is introduced and the simulation and experiments are carried out to verify the performance.
The performance of improved quasi-PR control is compared with the performance of PI control and conventional quasi-PR control through simulation and experimental results. Firstly, the simulation and experimental results at rated speed show that the phase current has nonnegligible 2nd and 4th harmonics under PI control. The conventional quasi-PR control can reduce the phase current harmonics to some extent. However, due to resonance frequency deviation, there is still considerable phase current harmonics under conventional quasi-PR control. The improved quasi-PR control can effectively suppress the phase current harmonics by compensating the resonance frequency deviation. Secondly, the simulation and experimental results at different speed show that the improved quasi-PR control proposed in this paper can obtain much lower phase current harmonics than PI control and conventional quasi-PR control at different speed. Finally, based on the torque model, the influence of current harmonics on average torque is analyzed and the results show the uncontrollable current harmonics under PI control contribute the negative average torque. By suppressing the current harmonics, the improved quasi-PR control can significantly eliminate the negative average torque. Therefore, the improved quasi-PR control can suppress the current harmonics and enhance the torque capability of DSEM.
The following conclusions can be drawn from simulation and experimental results: 1) The high fundamental frequency of DSEM leads to significant resonance frequency deviation and deteriorates current harmonics suppression performance of conventional quasi-PR control. 2) The improved quasi-PR control proposed in this paper can compensate the resonance frequency deviation and suppress current harmonics. The 2nd and 4th harmonics content under PI control are 23.50% and 14.16%. The 2nd and 4th harmonic content under improved quasi-PR control are 1.76% and 3.31%. 3) The uncontrollable current harmonics under PI control contribute negative average torque. The improved quasi-PR control can effectively suppress the current harmonics and therefore the torque ampere ratio of DSEM can be enhanced by 10.6%.
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