Analysis of Interaction Mechanism between Icing and Torsion of Single Transmission Lines
Han Xingbo1, Wu Haitao2, Guo Sihua2, Jiang Xingliang3, Wang Yujie4
1. Chongqing Engineering Laboratory for Transportation Engineering Application Robot Chongqing Jiaotong University Chongqing 400074 China; 2.State Grid Chongqing Electric Power Company Chongqing Electric Power Research Institute Chongqing 401123 China; 3. State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology Chongqing University Chongqing 400044 China; 4. School of Mechatronics and Vehicle Engineering Chongqing Jiaotong University Chongqing 400074 China
Abstract:Icing threatens the safe and stable operation of transmission lines. Accurate prediction of the icing process of conductor can help the work of anti-icing and disaster reduction of transmission lines. Generally, the icing of conductor is accompanied by the torsion process of conductor. Because of the interaction of conductor torsion and icing, there is a big difference of the icing shape and rate between different positions on conductors. In order to improve the accuracy of numerical calculation of conductor icing, a dynamic numerical calculation model of conductor icing torsion is established based on hydrodynamics and basic mechanics of conductor torsion in this paper. Comprehensively, the model takes the effects of torsion angles and torsion icing shapes on the icing process of conductor into consideration, including the effects on the trajectories of water droplets in the air. Through the simulation, the change law of torsion of three different types of conductors after icing at different positions and the influence of conductor torsion on icing are analyzed. The results show that the torsion angle of the conductor increases from both ends to the center after icing; compared with the untwisted conductor, the droplet collision range and icing rate of the twisted conductor are larger; and there is a great difference between the icing shape at the end and the center of twisted conductors. The icing shape at the end of conductors tends to be wing shaped while the icing shape tends to be a cylinder at the middle. When the wind velocity and the median volume diameter of water droplets are both large, the icing rate of conductors with a larger diameter under torsion condition is faster.
韩兴波, 吴海涛, 郭思华, 蒋兴良, 王钰洁. 输电线路单导线覆冰和扭转的相互影响机制分析[J]. 电工技术学报, 2022, 37(17): 4508-4516.
Han Xingbo, Wu Haitao, Guo Sihua, Jiang Xingliang, Wang Yujie. Analysis of Interaction Mechanism between Icing and Torsion of Single Transmission Lines. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2022, 37(17): 4508-4516.
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