A Holomorphic Embedded Method for Solving Power Flow in Hybrid AC-DC Power System
Jiang Tao, Zhang Yong, Li Xue, Li Guoqing, Chen Houhe
Key Laboratory of Modern Power System Simulation and Control & Renewable Energy Technology Ministry of Education Northeast Electric Power University Jilin 132012 China
Abstract:In order to address the initial value selection and large calculation amount when Newton Raphson(NR) method is used to calculate AC-DC power flow, this paper proposes a holomorphic embedding method for AC-DC power flow calculation. Firstly, according to the construction principle of holomorphic function, the holomorphic AC-DC power flow model and converter station control model are constructed by embedding parameters. Then, based on the Taylor series expansion characteristics of the holomorphic function, the problem of solving nonlinear power flow equations is transformed into an explicit problem of implicit holomorphic functions. Moreover, according to the principle that the same power coefficient is equal, the power series coefficient of Taylor series expansion term is obtained, and the explicit holomorphic function is completed, and then the embedded parameters are assigned to realize the fast solution of AC-DC power flow. Finally, it is analyzed and verified through modified IEEE 5 node AC-DC system, RTS-96 AC-DC system and Polish power grid 3012wp AC-DC test system. The results show that the proposed method can quickly and accurately calculate the power flow of AC-DC power system without relying on the initial value, and has strong robustness, which provides a new idea for power flow calculation of large-scale AC-DC power grid.
姜涛, 张勇, 李雪, 李国庆, 陈厚合. 电力系统交直流潮流的全纯嵌入计算[J]. 电工技术学报, 2021, 36(21): 4429-4443.
Jiang Tao, Zhang Yong, Li Xue, Li Guoqing, Chen Houhe. A Holomorphic Embedded Method for Solving Power Flow in Hybrid AC-DC Power System. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2021, 36(21): 4429-4443.
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