Research on Networked Support Power Supply of Urban Rail Power Supply System Based on Hierarchical Optimization
Liu Wei1, Xie Wenjun1, Sun Minggang2, Zhang Li1, Zhao Jiawei1
1. School of Electrical EngineeringSouthwest Jiaotong University Chengdu 611756 China; 2. Beijing Urban Construction Design and Development Group Co. LtdBeijing 100037 China
Abstract:Under the background that different subway lines can share external power sources, in order to study the impact of networked support power supply on failure restoration of distributed urban rail power supply systems, this paper establishes the topological model ofdistributedurban rail power supply system and the mathematical model to support power supply failure restoration under the networked operation mode. The hierarchical optimization method was adopted. A candidate scheme set with the least number of switching operations is generated by topology search, and a feasible scheme with the least additional loss in the medium voltage system was found by power flow calculation. Taking the power supply system of 5 lines as an analysis example, the results show that when a switching station exits and the power loss area includes transfer stations, in 60% of the failure cases, the cross-line support power supply ensures fast dispatching and improvesthe operation economy of the urban rail power supply system after failure restoration.When two adjacent switching stations exit at the same time and the power loss area includestransfer stations, in26.7% of the failarecases, all the primary and secondary loadscan be recovered bythe cross-line support power supply, which improves the power supply reliability of urban rail transit.
刘炜, 谢文君, 孙名刚, 张丽, 赵佳微. 基于分层优化的分散式城轨供电系统网络化支援供电[J]. 电工技术学报, 2021, 36(11): 2306-2314.
Liu Wei, Xie Wenjun, Sun Minggang, Zhang Li, Zhao Jiawei. Research on Networked Support Power Supply of Urban Rail Power Supply System Based on Hierarchical Optimization. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2021, 36(11): 2306-2314.
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