Observation on the Characteristics of Long-Term Partial Discharge Sparseness of Surface Metal Particle in Gas Insulated Switch
Zhang Liangen1, Lu Shijie1, Li Chengrong1, Cui Boyuan2, Wu Yuyi2
1. State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System With Renewable Energy Sources North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China; 2. High Voltage Research Institute China Electric Power Research Institute Beijing 100192 China
Abstract:According to gas insulated switch insulation failure statistics, the surface failure accounts for the highest proportion. However, the defects detected by partial discharge are mostly air gaps and floating discharges, and the cases of surface discharge are rarely found. It is essential to study the effectiveness of the current on-site PD detection method for the detection of surface discharge defects. This paper designed a metal particle attached to the GIS insulator. Under the condition of constant voltage application, based on the full real-time UHF detection system, the long-term development process of the model discharge was studied. The sparsity characteristics of the surface metal particle in the long-term development stage were revealed, including the large dispersion of the discharge interval, varied from several seconds to several hours. The evaluation parameters of effective discharge capture probability Pe and effective spectrum capture probability PG were proposed. Through the Pe and PG curves, it was found that the existing GIS equipment online monitoring device had a small success rate (only 3.4%) for the surface discharge capture, and the probability of live detection capturing was low (only 6.5%). On this basis, a method to enhance the detection rate of the real-time acquisition system and extend the detection duration was proposed.
张连根, 路士杰, 李成榕, 崔博源, 吴昱怡. 气体绝缘开关中表面金属异物长期局部放电稀疏性特征的观测[J]. 电工技术学报, 2019, 34(18): 3928-3936.
Zhang Liangen, Lu Shijie, Li Chengrong, Cui Boyuan, Wu Yuyi. Observation on the Characteristics of Long-Term Partial Discharge Sparseness of Surface Metal Particle in Gas Insulated Switch. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2019, 34(18): 3928-3936.
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