Abstract:In multi-phase induction motor system driven by converter, the phase-open fault is familiar,which is usually caused by power electronic device damage. Because of the character of high redundancy of the multi-phase motor, it can continue to operate steadily under phase open by tolerant control. By comparative analysis of five-phase induction motor’s MMF under normal operation and phase open fault, the condition of the minimum torque pulsation that the residual phase current needs to satisfy is obtained, on this basis, the modeling equations of the motor under phase open are built, and then the tolerant control method based on MMF balance analysis is proposed. Finally, this method is validated by Simulation and platform experiment. And the results indicate that the torque oscillation can be reduced greatly by the proposed method, for which the effect of fundamental and third harmonics coupling is considered adequately.
朱鹏, 乔鸣忠, 于飞, 魏永清. 基于磁动势平衡分析的多相感应电机容错控制[J]. 电工技术学报, 2019, 34(zk1): 62-69.
Zhu Peng, Qiao Mingzhong, Yu Fei, Wei Yongqing. Tolerant Control for Multi-Phase Induction Motor Based on Magnetmotive Force Balance Analysis. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2019, 34(zk1): 62-69.
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