A Flux Linkage Observation Method of Cage-Rotor Brushless Doubly-Fed Machine
Chen Zhengfang1, Wang Shuhong1, Gao Ruozhong1, Wang Jingxuan1, Zhang Jian2
1. College of Electrical and Power Engineering Taiyuan University of Technology Taiyuan 030024 China; 2. STATE GRID Shanxi Electric Power Company Taiyuan 030000 China
Abstract:The brushless doubly-fed machine (BDFM) has the benefits of low maintenance cost and high reliability due to the lack of a brush gear and slip ring, so it has broad application prospects in the field of wind power generation. In the existing control methods of BDFM, the flux linkage observation of the power winding and the control winding is necessary. However, when the flux linkage of one stator winding needs to be transformed to another stator winding static reference frame, the coordinate transformation is difficult. A new method to observing the flux linkage of one stator winding in another stator winding static reference frame is given. The method is simple and easy to accomplish because it does not require coordinate transformation. The simulation and experiment results show that the method is accurate and can meet the requirements of the experimental system for dynamic performance. The proposed method is also suitable for wound-rotor brushless doubly-fed machine.
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