Abstract:Phase-locked loop (PLL) is one of the key elements of grid-connected inverter for renewable energy integration. Its performance and stability are important to guarantee the increasing penetration of renewable energy resources in utility. In this paper, the mathematical fundament of PLL is indicated by using nonlinear dynamic model. Meanwhile, the physical fundament of PLL is displayed by using the synchronous generator model. Lyapunov energy function is utilized to identify the stability of PLL. Based on the proposed model, the affecting mechanisms of low-frequency harmonic, unbalanced, and dc-bias voltage on PLL are achieved. Besides, taking an implicit proportional-integral based PLL into account, this paper also studies how the nonlinear mathematical model can be used to explore new PLL structure. Finally, experimental results are presented to study the PLLs in frequency variation, phase stepping, unbalanced, and distorted utility voltage conditions.
曾正, 邵伟华, 刘清阳, 马青, 冉立. 并网逆变器数字锁相环的数学物理本质分析[J]. 电工技术学报, 2018, 33(4): 808-816.
Zeng Zheng, Shao Weihua, Liu Qingyang, Ma Qing, Ran Li. Mathematical and Physical Fundaments of Digital Phase-Locked Loop for Grid-Connected Inverters. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2018, 33(4): 808-816.
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