Abstract:In allusion to solve the optimal planning problem of charging stations for electric vehicle and division of services range,a method based on weight-changed voronoi diagram and hybrid binary particle swarm optimization(WCVD-HBPSO)Algorithm was proposed. The binary particle swarm optimization algorithm was improved by modifying the function of probability map to improve the global searching capability when the number of iterations reaching to the latter stage;Introducing a weight-changed coefficient which could be dynamically adjusted in the process of generating the improved Voronoi diagram according to the constraints of charging station’s service capability and the maximum service radius,then the process of dividing service range is controllable and more reasonable;Using the shortest path algorithm to improve the accuracy of the algorithm by calculating the distance along the traffic path to replace the Euclidean distance of EV users running to the nearest station. The proposed WCVD-HBPSO algorithm were tested by a given example,the results verified its feasibility and effectiveness.
麻秀范,王皓, 李颖, 王超, 洪潇. 基于变权Voronoi图和混合粒子群算法的电动汽车充电站规划[J]. 电工技术学报, 2017, 32(19): 160-169.
Ma Xiufan, Wang Hao , Li Ying, Wang Chao, Hong Xiao. Optimal Planning of Charging Stations for Electric Vehicle Based on Weight-Changed Voronoi Diagram and Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2017, 32(19): 160-169.
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