Optimized Control Method of Cascaded Bi-Directional DC-DC Converters
Mei Yang1 , Chen Lisha1 , Huang Weichao1, Li Xiaoqing1 , Sun Kai2
1.Inverter Technology Engineering Research Center of Beijing North China University of TechnologyBeijing 100144 China;
2.State Key Lab of Security Control and Simulation of Power Systems and Generation Equipments Tsinghua University Beijing 100084 China)
Conventional dual-loop proportional-integral(PI) control method for cascaded bi-directional dc-dc converters has some disadvantages,such as inconvenient and difficult adjustments of PI parameters.As well,due to the inherent limit of PI regulators,the dynamic performance of the cascaded bi-directional dc-dc converters can not be optimized.To fulfill the practical control demand of cascaded bi-directional dc-dc converters,an optimized trade-off control method has been proposed in this paper,which is realized by combining the conventional dual-loop PI control and model predictive control.The conventional dual-loop PI control is employed in the first stage bi-directional dc-dc converter,and an optimized model predictive control algorithm has been developed for the second stage bi-directional dc-dc converter.The proposed optimized control method has been compared with conventional dual-loop control method and classic model predictive control method through simulations and experiments.These results show that,the dynamic performance of cascaded bi-directional dc-dc converter by using the proposed optimized control method is superior to that by using conventional dual-loop control;Furthermore,compared with classic model predictive control,the computation of the proposed optimized control method is reduced by 45.22%.
梅杨,陈丽莎,黄伟超,李晓晴,孙凯. 级联式双向DC-DC变换器的优化控制方法[J]. 电工技术学报, 2017, 32(19): 153-159.
Mei Yang,Chen Lisha,Huang Weichao, Li Xiaoqing,Sun Kai. Optimized Control Method of Cascaded Bi-Directional DC-DC Converters. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2017, 32(19): 153-159.
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