电工技术学报  2017, Vol. 32 Issue (17): 156-163    DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.161746
电机与电器 |
刘辉海1, 赵星宇2, 赵洪山1, 宋鹏3, 邓春3
1. 华北电力大学电气与电子工程学院 保定 071003;
2. 中国科学院大学物理科学学院 北京 110116;
3. 国网冀北电力有限公司电力科学研究院 北京 100045
Fault Detection of Wind Turbine Gearbox Based on Deep Autoencoder Network
Liu Huihai1, Zhao Xingyu2, Zhao Hongshan1, Song Peng3, Deng Chun3
1. School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering North China Electric Power University Baoding 071003 China;
2. School of Physics Science University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 110116 China;
3. State Grid Jibei Electric Power Research Institute Beijing 100045 China