Modeling and Analysis of the Direct Torque Control System for IPMSM Fed by Three-Phase Four-Switch Inverter
Yuan Qingwei1, Zhao Rongxiang1,2
1.College of Electrical Engineering Zhejiang University Hangzhou 310027 China 2.National Engineering Research Center for Applied Power Electronics Hangzhou 310027 China
Abstract:The proportional-integral controller coupled with space vector modulation based direct torque control(PI-SVM DTC)scheme was introduced in this paper to the three-phase four-switch inverter fed interior permanent magnet synchronous motor(IPMSM)drive system to obtain a higher torque dynamic response and a lower torque ripple output.Considering the strong coupling of IPMSM and the convenience of analyzing the stator flux control loop,the state-space model for IPMSM in static coordinate was established,which chose the stator flux as the state variables.To improve the steady-state performance,a deadbeat full-order state observer was built to realize a closed-loop estimation of stator flux.The problems caused by the conventional pole placement of the stator flux control loop were revealed,and a simple method was proposed to optimize the pole positions of the stator flux loop.Then,the model of the torque control loop was also created.Additionally,to inhibit the deviation of the neutral point voltage of DC-link,a compensation was produced according to the deviation,and added into the stator flux control loop.Experimental results have validated the effectiveness of the proposed model for PI-SVM DTC.
袁庆伟,赵荣祥. 三相四开关逆变器供电的IPMSM直接转矩控制系统建模与分析[J]. 电工技术学报, 2017, 32(15): 76-88.
Yuan Qingwei, Zhao Rongxiang. Modeling and Analysis of the Direct Torque Control System for IPMSM Fed by Three-Phase Four-Switch Inverter. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2017, 32(15): 76-88.
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