Abstract:The crossing of two circuit HVDC transmission lines is a new problem in the development of HVDC transmission technology in China. The distribution of total electric field under the crossing area is a 3D problem due to the transmission lines interact with each other. In order to meet the requirements of the electromagnetic environment, the corresponding electric field prediction method should be researched. Based on three-dimensional flux tracing method, a method to predict the total electric field under the crossing of two circuit HVDC transmission lines is proposed, where charge simulation method and Deutsch assumption are used to solve the nominal electric field and the total electric field, respectively. A reduced-scale experimental model is set up in the laboratory to testify the validity of the method. The method is then used to simulate the ground level total electric field under the crossing of ±800kV and ±500kV HVDC transmission lines. Compared with single circuit ±500kV transmission line, the top value of ground level total electric field is hardly changed when the ±800kV and ±500kV lines cross in 90 degrees, but the distribution of electric field is more complex.
王东来, 卢铁兵, 崔翔, 李学宝, 马文祚. 两回高压直流输电线路交叉跨越时地面合成电场计算[J]. 电工技术学报, 2017, 32(2): 77-84.
Wang Donglai, Lu Tiebing, Cui Xiang, Li Xuebao, Ma Wenzuo. Simulation of Total Electric Field under the Crossing of Two Circuit HVDC Transmission Lines. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2017, 32(2): 77-84.
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