Analysis of Equivalent Circuit of Oil-Paper Insulation Transformer Relaxation Response and Aging Evaluation
Cai Jinding1, Liu Yongqing1, Cai Jia2
1.College of Electrical Engineering and Automation Fuzhou University Fuzhou 350108 China 2.Supplies Sub-Company State Grid Fujian Provincial Electric Power Co.Ltd. Fuzhou 350103 China
Abstract:A judgment method for the polarization branches number of the equivalent circuit of oil-paper insulation equipment is proposed.The differential dielectric spectroscopy method is applied to gradually decomposing the measured return voltage curves.In this way,all the sub-lines which are implicit in the internal relaxation response of the return voltage curves could be presented.Then the polarization branches number of extended Debye model is judged by the number of sub-lines.Results show that the more aging seriousness of the transformer oil-paper insulation is,the more numbers of the polarization branches and the higher relaxation polarization will be.The value of the relaxation polarization is small when the oil-paper insulation is in good condition.Otherwise,the value is greater.The proposed method is an effective way to evaluate the oil-paper aging using the equivalent circuit of relaxation response.
蔡金锭, 刘永清, 蔡嘉. 油纸绝缘变压器极化等效电路分析及其老化评估[J]. 电工技术学报, 2016, 31(15): 204-212.
Cai Jinding, Liu Yongqing, Cai Jia. Analysis of Equivalent Circuit of Oil-Paper Insulation Transformer Relaxation Response and Aging Evaluation. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2016, 31(15): 204-212.
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