A Discriminating Algorithm for Identifying Inrush of UHV Voltage-Regulating Transformer Based on Virtual Equivalent Inductance
Zheng Tao1, Lu Geye1, Zhao Yanjie2, Chen Shuiyao3
1.State Key Laboratory of New Energy Power System North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China 2.SGCC-Nanjing Electric Power Company Nanjing 210019 China 3.SGCC-Zhejiang Electric Power Company Hangzhou 310007 China
Abstract:Aiming at a typical mal-operation case of the differential protection of the ultra-high voltage (UHV) voltage-regulating transformer (VRT) in the 1 000 kV UHV experimental demonstration project, this paper analyzes the limitations of the 2nd harmonics with split-phrase lockout criterion on the spot for discriminating the VRT inrush. On the other hand, the terminal voltage of the VRT is unable to be measured, which limits the application of the equivalent instantaneous inductance. This paper suggests a method to obtain the terminal voltage of the VRT according to the structure of the UHV transformer. Meanwhile, it puts forward a discriminating algorithm for identifying inrush based on the distribution characteristics of the virtual equivalent inductance. By simulation, the 2nd harmonics with split-phrase lockout criterion and the waveform symmetry restraint principle are found to be inadequate for the VRT’s differential protection. Meanwhile, the proposed algorithm based on the virtual equivalent inductance has clear discriminating property. So it can distinguish inrush and a slight turn-to-turn fault reliably, which solves the miss-operation and mal-operation problems of the traditional methods in the VRT differential protection.
郑涛, 陆格野, 赵彦杰, 陈水耀. 基于虚拟等效电感的特高压调压变压器励磁涌流判别算法[J]. 电工技术学报, 2016, 31(7): 118-125.
Zheng Tao, Lu Geye, Zhao Yanjie, Chen Shuiyao. A Discriminating Algorithm for Identifying Inrush of UHV Voltage-Regulating Transformer Based on Virtual Equivalent Inductance. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2016, 31(7): 118-125.
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