高电压与绝缘 |
廖瑞金1, 郭沛1, 2, 周年荣3, 夏桓桓3, 林元棣1, 柳海滨1
1. 输配电装备及系统安全与新技术国家重点实验室(重庆大学) 重庆 400044;
2. 国网宁波供电公司 宁波 315016;
3. 云南电力实验研究院(集团)有限公司电力研究院 昆明 650217
The Thermal Aging Characteristics of the New Anti-Aging Mixed Oil-Pressboard Insulation
Liao Ruijin1, Guo Pei1, 2, Zhou Nianrong3, Xia Huanhuan3, Lin Yuandi1, Liu Haibin1
1. State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology Chongqing University Chongqing 400044 China;
2. State Grid Ningbo Power Supply Company Ningbo 315016 China;
3. Yunnan Electric Power Research Institute (Group) Co. Ltd. Kunming 650217 China
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为了促进混合绝缘油向变压器中推广应用,研究了可大规模批量化生产的新型抗老化混合绝缘油制备方法,并将该绝缘油与矿物油分别与绝缘纸板组成油纸绝缘进行130℃加速热老化实验,对比分析了其老化产物及介电、击穿特性。结果表明:新型混合绝缘油性能基本满足国标GB 2536—2011要求,并能延缓油纸绝缘的老化;不同老化时间新型混合绝缘油及其浸绝缘纸板的击穿电压大部分高于相应的矿物油及其浸绝缘纸板,老化初期两种绝缘纸板击穿电压随温度的升高逐渐降低,老化后期两种绝缘纸板击穿电压随着温度的升高先降低再升高;不同老化时间新型混合绝缘油及其浸绝缘纸板的介电常数和两者介电常数比高于相应的矿物油及其浸绝缘纸板,说明新型混合绝缘油提高了绝缘油和绝缘纸板电场分布均匀性,有利于变压器制造的小型化。

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关键词 新型混合绝缘油绝缘纸板热老化介电特性击穿电压    

In order to promote the application of mixed insulation oil in transformers, the preparation method of a new anti-aging mixed insulation oil with mass production has been developed. Then two kinds of oil-paper insulation samples were prepared with common insulation pressboard and insulation oil, namely new mixed insulation oil and mineral oil respectively. Accelerated aging experiments were performed under the 130℃ to analysis their dielectric properties, breakdown voltage and the general characteristics of aging products. The results show that: the properties of new mixed insulation oil meet the requirements of GB 2536—2011 and it can delay the aging process of oil-paper insulation system. The breakdown voltages of new mixed insulation oil and its impregnated insulation pressboard at different aging time are mostly higher than that of relevant mineral oil and its impregnated insulation pressboard respectively. With the increase of temperature,the breakdown voltages of two kinds of insulation pressboard at early aging time decrease while at later aging time decrease firstly and then increase. The relative dielectric constant and the ratio of relative dielectric constants of new mixed insulation oil and its impregnated insulation pressboard at different aging time are higher than that of relevant mineral oil and its impregnated insulation pressboard. This indicates that new mixed insulation oil improves the distribution uniformity of electric field in insulation oil and insulation pressboard, which is helpful to the miniaturization of transformer manufacturing.

Key wordsNew mixed insulation oil    insulation pressboard    thermal aging    dielectric property    breakdown voltage   
     出版日期: 2015-11-30
廖瑞金, 郭沛, 周年荣, 夏桓桓, 林元棣, 柳海滨. 新型抗老化混合油-纸板绝缘热老化特性[J]. 电工技术学报, 2015, 30(22): 222-230. Liao Ruijin, Guo Pei, Zhou Nianrong, Xia Huanhuan, Lin Yuandi, Liu Haibin. The Thermal Aging Characteristics of the New Anti-Aging Mixed Oil-Pressboard Insulation. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2015, 30(22): 222-230.