电工技术学报  2024, Vol. 39 Issue (7): 2033-2045    DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.230188
电力系统与综合能源 |
韩丽, 王冲, 于晓娇, 喻洪波, 王晓静
中国矿业大学电气工程学院 徐州 221116
Low-Carbon and Economic Dispatch Considering the Carbon Capture Power Plants with Flexible Adjustment of Wind Power Ramp
Han Li, Wang Chong, Yu Xiaojiao, Yu Hongbo, Wang Xiaojing
School of Electrical Engineering China University of Mining and Technology Xuzhou 221116 China
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摘要 为实现“双碳”目标,风电等可再生能源的使用是减少碳排放的根本途径,而碳捕集电厂是降低碳排放的直接手段。但风电具有与生俱来的波动性,风电的骤升骤降会影响碳捕集电厂“电碳耦合”特性,从而对碳捕集效果带来不利影响。而储液罐通过增减自身溶液量可近似地存储释放能量,为解决上述问题提供了可能。该文首先搭建碳捕集电厂数学模型,分析储液罐通过增减溶液量带来的储放能量与碳捕集设备能耗之间的关联,研究储液罐的双向调节能力;然后,提出上爬坡碳超前补偿和下爬坡碳滞后补偿调度策略,双向调节储液罐使碳捕集电厂电碳解耦;接着,构建跟随风电爬坡进行调节的低碳经济调度模型;最后,对含碳捕集电厂、高碳电厂和风电场的电力系统进行仿真,证明所提方法的有效性。
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关键词 碳减排风电爬坡碳捕集电厂碳补偿    
Abstract:With the continuous progress of economy and society, the greenhouse effect problem has been increasingly emerging. In order to achieve the "dual-carbon" goal, the use of renewable energy such as wind power is the fundamental way to reduce carbon emissions, and carbon capturing is a direct method to reduce carbon emissions. Carbon capture power plants are well suited to wind power because carbon capture power plants have fast response speed. However, wind power has inherent volatility, and the sudden rise and fall of wind power will affect electric-carbon coordinated performances of carbon capture power plants. The energy can be stored and released by increasing or decreasing the solution volume in the liquid storage tank of the carbon capture equipment. The ability of energy shifting is called the internal energy time shift characteristics, which provides a way to solve the above problems.
This paper solves the dispatch problem of wind power ramp through the flexible call of liquid storage tanks in carbon capture plants. Firstly, a mathematical model of carbon capture power plants is constructed. The correlation between the storage and release energy brought by the increase and decrease of the solution volume of the liquid storage tank and the energy consumption of the carbon capture equipment is analyzed. Then the bidirectional regulation ability of the liquid storage tank is studied. Secondly, the up-hill carbon advance compensation and down-hill carbon lag compensation dispatch strategies are proposed, and the liquid storage tank is adjusted in both directions to achieve electricity-carbon decoupling of the carbon capture power plant. Before wind power ramp up, by using the up-hill carbon advance compensation dispatch strategy, the desorption of solution is reduced and the solution is stored in the liquid storage tank. When wind power ramp events occur, the solution stored in the liquid storage tank can be desorbed to increase the carbon capture energy consumption. As a result, the net output of carbon capture plants is reduced to match the wind power ramp up. The wind curtailment problem is decreased by using the up-hill carbon advance compensation dispatch strategy. When wind power ramp down, by using the down-hill carbon lag compensation dispatch strategy the desorption of solution volume is reduced and the solution is stored in the liquid storage tank to decrease the carbon capture energy consumption. As a result, the net output of carbon capture plants is increased to match the wind power ramp down. The load cutting problems can be decreased by using the down-hill carbon lag compensation dispatch strategy. After wind power ramp down, the stored solution in the liquid storage tank is lagging desorbed by carbon capture power plants. Finally, a low-carbon economic dispatch model that deals with wind power ramp is constructed and the power systems consisting of carbon capture power plants, high-carbon power plants and a wind farm are simulated to prove the effectiveness of the proposed dispatch strategy.
The simulation results show that the carbon capture power plant using the up-hill and down-hill dispatch strategy can better reduce wind power curtailment and load shedding caused by wind power ramp. From the analysis of the calculation examples, the wind power curtailment rate decreases 31.57% and the load shedding rate decreases 22.45%. When wind power ramp events occur, carbon capture power plants using the dispatch strategy can fully utilize wind power and reduce carbon emissions and costs, and can provide faster and more flexible climbing adjustment capability to undertake climbing tasks.
Key wordsCarbon emission reduction    wind power ramp    carbon capture power plants    carbon offset   
收稿日期: 2023-02-21     
PACS: TM734  
通讯作者: 韩丽 女,1977年生,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为可再生能源发电技术及电网优化调度等。E-mail:dannyli717@163.com   
作者简介: 王冲 男,1997年生,硕士研究生,研究方向为电网优化调度。E-mail:1445182429@qq.com
韩丽, 王冲, 于晓娇, 喻洪波, 王晓静. 考虑风电爬坡灵活调节的碳捕集电厂低碳经济调度[J]. 电工技术学报, 2024, 39(7): 2033-2045. Han Li, Wang Chong, Yu Xiaojiao, Yu Hongbo, Wang Xiaojing. Low-Carbon and Economic Dispatch Considering the Carbon Capture Power Plants with Flexible Adjustment of Wind Power Ramp. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2024, 39(7): 2033-2045.
https://dgjsxb.ces-transaction.com/CN/10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.230188          https://dgjsxb.ces-transaction.com/CN/Y2024/V39/I7/2033