电工技术学报  2023, Vol. 38 Issue (18): 4823-4837    DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.221236
电工理论 |
杨云虎, 贾维娜, 梁大壮, 薛建志, 李钰
安徽工业大学安徽省高校电力电子与运动控制重点实验室 马鞍山 243000
A Self-Switching Wireless Power Transfer System Based on Hybrid Topology of LCC-LCC/S with Constant Current and Constant Voltage
Yang Yunhu, Jia Weina, Liang Dazhuang, Xue Jianzhi, Li Yu
Anhui Provincial Key Laboratory of Power Electronics and Motion Control Anhui University of Technology Ma’anshan 243000 China