Abstract:High-altitude electromagnetic pulse (HEMP) can form a conduction environment of nanosecond rising edge and thousands of amperes on the power transmission and distribution cable through field line coupling. It has a faster potential gradient than the pulse environment such as lightning and operating overvoltage. It can seriously threaten the insulation of key equipment of the power system and affect the stable operation of the power system. So, build an electromagnetic pulse conduction current injection experimental platform for the two types of 10 kV line insulators that are most widely used in the distribution system. The 50% flashover voltage, discharge delay, flashover duration and volt-time characteristics and other key parameters of line insulators under HEMP conduction environment are obtained, and the impact of insulator surface pollution on flashover characteristics under HEMP is analyzed. It provides data support for the improvement of insulator performance under strong electromagnetic pulse environment and further research on electromagnetic pulse vulnerability of key equipment in power system. Taking the typical P-10T and PQ1-10T needle type porcelain insulators as the research objects, the cleaned and dried insulators were quantitatively brushed with the polluted liquid prepared by the diatomite mixture, so that the surface ash density value was 0.05 mg/cm2 and the salt density value was 0.20 mg/cm2, and they were marked as polluted insulators, while the rest of the insulators without pollution treatment were marked as clean insulators. In the experiment, a pulse current injection source with output voltage and current waveform rising edge of (20±3) ns and short-circuit current waveform half height width of 500~550 ns was used according to the multistage method. One end of the insulator to be tested was connected to the high-voltage output end, and the other end was directly grounded. Resistance capacitance voltage divider and current probe were used to measure the voltage and current waveforms of the insulator to be tested. In addition, the voltage signal is used to trigger the oscilloscope, and the external trigger signal of the oscilloscope is used to trigger the 8-frame camera, so as to take insulator flashover photos. The main results and conclusions are as follows: (1) the 50% flashover voltage of P-10T and PQ1-10T insulators under the nanosecond strong electromagnetic pulse environment is basically twice its standard lightning threshold, while the voltage borne by 10 kV line insulators under the HEMP conduction environment is much higher than its 50% flashover voltage, so flashover is easy to occur. (2) The flashover voltage threshold of PQ1-10T type insulator is about 20% higher than that of P-10T type insulator, and the pollution condition will reduce the flashover voltage threshold of insulator. For the 50% flashover voltage of insulator under the pollution condition of ash density value of 0.05 mg/cm2 and salt density value of 0.20 mg/cm2, the flashover voltage will decrease by about 10%. (3) Insulator flashover channels are mainly divided into three types: surface channel, air channel and combined channel of surface and air. With the increase of amplitude of strong electromagnetic pulse, insulator flashover channel mainly tends to air channel. Therefore, the discharge delay of the insulator decreases continuously, and finally tends to a certain stable value (about the discharge delay of the air gap corresponding to the height of the insulator structure). In addition, the duration of insulator flashover is basically several microseconds (2~5 μs). (4) Under the action of nanosecond strong electromagnetic pulse, the flashover of insulators is more likely to occur at the wave tail, and the dispersion is larger. When the flashover voltage is higher than 90%, the clean and dirty states have little effect on the volt-time characteristics of insulators; For the flashover voltage below 90%, the lower the voltage level, the worse the volt-time characteristics of the insulator due to pollution, and even lower than the ordinary P-10T insulator.
秦锋, 王旭桐, 陈伟, 聂鑫, 崔志同. 强电磁脉冲下线路绝缘子闪络特性试验研究[J]. 电工技术学报, 2023, 38(13): 3640-3650.
Qin Feng, Wang Xutong, Chen Wei, Nie Xin, Cui Zhitong. Experimental Study on Flashover Characteristics of Line Insulator under Strong Electromagnetic Pulse. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2023, 38(13): 3640-3650.
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