Abstract:The magnetostriction effect of magnetic material is one of the main causes of the motor vibration and noise. In order to calculate stator core vibration caused by magnetostriction for radial flux (RF) motors, a precise analytical model of such stator core vibration is set up based on piezomagnetic equations and Newton's second law. The relationship among physical quantities is illustrated by the analytical model. Stator core vibration due to magnetostriction is proportional to the magnetostriction coefficient. The vibration displacements of stator yoke and teeth are approximatively linear with the yoke radius and tooth height respectively. The influence of elasticity modulus on vibration caused by magnetostriction is very small. At last, by comparing the results of the analytical model, the finite element method and the experiments, the accuracy of the proposed analytical model is verified. Keywords: Magnetostriction, radial flux (RF), motor, vibration, analytical model
吴胜男, 于慎波, 佟文明, 唐任远. 磁致伸缩引起的径向磁通电机定子铁心振动精确解析模型[J]. 电工技术学报, 2019, 34(2): 226-235.
Wu Shengnan, Yu Shenbo, Tong Wenming, Tang Renyuan. A Precise Analytical Model of Stator Core Vibration Due to Magnetostriction for Radial Flux Motors. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2019, 34(2): 226-235.
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