电工技术学报  2018, Vol. 33 Issue (11): 2448-2455    DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.170700
电机与电器 |
董华军1,2 , 司明月1, 郭英杰1,2, 李春晓1, 郭方准1
1. 大连交通大学机械工程学院 大连 116028;
2. 国家电网天津平高智能电气有限公司 天津 300300
Influence of Contact Plate Structure on Magnetic Field Strength of a New Type of Cup-Shaped Axial Magnetic Field Vacuum Interrupter with Iron Core
Dong Huajun1,2, Si Mingyue1, Guo Yingjie1,2, Li Chunxiao1, Guo Fangzhun1
1. School of Mechanical Engineering Dalian Jiaotong University Dalian 116028 China;
2. State Grid Tianjin Pinggao Intelligent Electirc Co. Ltd Tianjin 300300 China
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真空灭弧室触头的结构设计对其内部电磁场分布具有重要的影响作用。为了研究触头片结构设计对一种新型带铁心的杯状纵磁真空灭弧室内电磁场分布情况的影响,该文采用了Ansoft Maxwell软件对该新型真空灭弧室内电磁场进行仿真分析,得到了触头片的开槽长度、开槽偏转角度、触头片中心工艺孔直径及孔的深度对磁场分布的影响;实现了在电流峰值时和电流过零时的磁感应强度的云图分布。仿真结果表明:触头片开槽长度、偏角和中心工艺孔径对磁场分布影响较大,孔径深度几乎不影响磁场分布;触头片开槽长度和中心工艺孔径的增加均可减少磁感应强度;触头片开槽偏转角度的增加会使电流峰值时及电流过零时磁场强度呈增加趋势,但存在一个最优角度为25°;触头片开槽和中心开工艺孔等操作均能减少电流过零时的剩余磁场强度。

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关键词 真空灭弧室触头片结构电磁场分布磁感应强度    

Design of the contacts structure in the vacuum interrupter has an important influence on their internal electromagnetic field distribution. In order to do researches on the influence of contact plates structure on the electromagnetic field distribution, a new type of cup-shaped axial magnetic field (AMF) vacuum interrupter with iron core is used. In this study, Ansoft Maxwell software is adopted to simulate the electromagnetic field characteristics in the new vacuum interrupter. Influences of slot length, the slot deflection angle, the diameter of the center hole of contact plates, and the depth of the hole on the magnetic field distribution are got by utilizing the software . Besides, Magnetic induction intensity distribution at the time of peak current and over zero current are obtained. From the results we can see: The slot length, deflection angle and the center process aperture of contact plate have much influence on the magnetic field distribution while the aperture depth has little influence on the magnetic field distribution. The length of the slot and the increase of the center process aperture can reduce the magnetic induction intensity distribution. The increase of the slot deflection angle of the contact plate will increase the current intensity at the time of current peak and the current zero crossing, and the optimal angle is 25°. The contact plate slot and center open hole can reduce the residual magnetic field strength when the current is zero.

Key wordsVacuum interrupter    contact plate geometry    electromagnetic field distribution    magnetic induction   
收稿日期: 2017-05-24      出版日期: 2018-06-13
PACS: TM561  


通讯作者: 董华军 男,1978年生,副教授,硕士生导师,研究方向为真空开关电弧基础理论、图像处理及识别。E-mail:huajundong4025@163.com   
作者简介: 司明月 男,1991年生,硕士研究生,研究方向为真空开关基础理论。E-mail:qqsimingyue @sina.com
董华军, 司明月, 郭英杰, 李春晓, 郭方准. 触头片结构对新型带铁心的杯状纵磁真空灭弧室磁场影响仿真[J]. 电工技术学报, 2018, 33(11): 2448-2455. Dong Huajun, Si Mingyue, Yingjie, Li Chunxiao, Guo Fangzhun. Influence of Contact Plate Structure on Magnetic Field Strength of a New Type of Cup-Shaped Axial Magnetic Field Vacuum Interrupter with Iron Core. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2018, 33(11): 2448-2455.
https://dgjsxb.ces-transaction.com/CN/10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.170700          https://dgjsxb.ces-transaction.com/CN/Y2018/V33/I11/2448