The Distribution Characteristics and Factor Influence of the Ionized Field of DC Transmission Lines Under Haze Weather
Yang Fan1, Dai Feng1, Luo Hanwu2, Liu Zehui3, Hui Yan1, Li Xianliang1
1. State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New TechnologyChongqing University Chongqing 400044 China; 2. State Grid East Inner Mongolia Electric Power Company Limited Hohhot 010020 China; 3. State Grid Henan Electric Power Corporation Research Institute Zhengzhou 450052 China
Abstract:The haze-prone areas are usually the places with limited transmission line corridors and large power loads. The performance of overhead transmission lines is under threat of the haze. The haze particulates around the DC transmission lines will be charged due to the ionized field, and the charged haze particulates will affect the electric field in the vicinity of the HVDC transmission lines. Based on the charging process of haze particulates and influence mechanism of haze on ionized field, this paper proposes the governing equation and calculation method of ionized field in presence of haze. Then the distributions of ionized field under different pollution levels are calculated, and the influence factors of ionized field under haze weather are analyzed. The results show that under the haze weather, the distribution trends of total electric field and ion current on the ground level are same as those under the normal weather, but the magnitudes are greater. Moreover, under the haze weather, the influence of haze on total electric field is greater, and the total electric field of the ground level increases with increasing pollution level, where the increasing degree of corona is the main reason.
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Yang Fan, Dai Feng, Luo Hanwu, Liu Zehui, Hui Yan, Li Xianliang. The Distribution Characteristics and Factor Influence of the Ionized Field of DC Transmission Lines Under Haze Weather. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2016, 31(12): 49-57.
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