Abstract:In order to study the value and distribution characteristics of core losses in amorphous alloy permanent magnet synchronous motor under different supply modes including sinusoidal voltage supply, vector control(VC) inverter supply and direct torque control(DTC) inverter supply, the loss curves of ring-type amorphous alloy stack core under different frequencies are obtained by experiments firstly. Then, by taking an 8 poles, 36 slots motor as an example, the stator core is divided into four areas which are yoke, tooth bodies, tooth top and tooth root. Time-stepping finite element method is adopted to analyze core loss distributions in different areas at no-load condition with different supply modes. The distribution characteristics of rotor losses are also investigated. It is found that core losses whose percentage is over 37% mainly distribute in yoke and tooth bodies, and the area of tooth root is relatively small, while the loss in tooth top is the minimum compared with the other areas owning to its small volume. Compared with VC, the stator core loss is increased by 24.7%, and the rotor core loss is increased by 36.7%, and eddy current loss in permanent magnets is increased by 7.8% under the condition of DTC. Finally, the accuracy of calculated results is verified by experiments.
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