Abstract:The new energy base is transmitted through flexible direct transmission, and the short-circuit current provided by the flexible direct converter station is affected by the new energy and its own control characteristics, resulting in complex coupling characteristics, making it difficult for existing methods to ensure the accuracy of transient characteristic calculations. The existing methods for analyzing the fault characteristics of flexible DC converter stations can be divided into two categories: electromagnetic transient fine simulation modeling and time-frequency equation calculation methods. In the analytical method based on electromagnetic transient fine simulation modeling, it mainly constructs a fine simulation model in simulation software, and uses the fine model to simulate and analyze the fault characteristics of flexible DC converter stations in different scenarios. However, this type of method essentially uses complex electrical and control characteristics for iterative calculation. Therefore, the time cost required for its calculation is high, and it is not suitable for large-scale research. Moreover, it is difficult to obtain analytical solutions using this type of method, and the mathematical model of the short-circuit current provided by flexible DC converter stations cannot be obtained, lacking theoretical analysis. At the same time, this method cannot simulate and analyze all fault scenarios, making it difficult to provide reference for protection principles. Compared with the method of electromagnetic transient fine simulation modeling, the time-frequency equation calculation method can obtain analytical solutions for flexible DC converter stations. However, existing methods of this kind cannot accurately characterize the short-circuit current characteristics of flexible DC converter stations during the transient phase. In response to the problem of difficulty in analyzing the short-circuit current provided by the flexible DC converter station at the transmission end when the AC transmission line fails in the flexible DC transmission system of the new energy base, this paper proposes a short-circuit current analysis method for the flexible DC converter station at the transmission end that takes into account the coupling characteristics of new energy. The decoupling calculation of the interaction between the flexible DC converter station and the new energy base is achieved by adopting the idea of partition calculation. Based on complex domain mathematical methods, the dq axis component of the flexible DC converter station is decoupled for the calculation and control response process, and the time-domain analytical formula for the short-circuit current of the flexible DC converter station is obtained, which solves the problem that existing methods are difficult to analyze the transient characteristics of the flexible DC converter station. The calculation of the proposed method is verified on the hardware in the loop experimental platform. The accuracy shows that the maximum error of the proposed algorithm is less than 5% in different fault scenarios, Verified the effectiveness of the proposed method.
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Liu Haolin, Jia Ke, Bi Tianshu, Li Zainan, Sun Junlei. Analysis of Short-Circuit Current in flexible DC converter stations considering the Coupling Characteristics of New Energy Sources. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 0, (): 20241122-20241122.
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