Abstract:Fault analysis in electrical power systems is a crucial prerequisite for designing protection principles and configuring settings. With the increasing integration of renewable energy sources into centralized grids, the distinctive fault characteristics of inverter-type new energy power conversion equipment are becoming more pronounced, directly influencing the performance of protection actions. However, the lack of effective fault equivalent analysis models tailored for new energy stations poses challenges in quantitatively analyzing protection operation boundaries and proposing improvement methods, necessitating the development of novel equivalent analysis methodologies. Currently, fault equivalent analysis for new energy stations can be categorized into single-machine multiplication and multi-machine equivalent analysis methods. The single-machine multiplication method simplifies the calculation process by omitting clustering steps, resulting in reduced computational complexity. However, it often sacrifices accuracy. Conversely, multi-machine equivalent analysis considers various operational variables of units and attempts to group them accordingly. Nevertheless, due to differences in unit output parameters and overhead line parameters among units, errors unavoidably arise in the equivalent calculations. Iterative methods, although applicable for fault calculations in networks with new energy sources, struggle due to the inherent topological characteristics of such stations. During the iterative process, it is necessary to individually correct each inverter-type unit, leading to poor convergence and extended computation times. To address the challenges of multi-machine equivalent analysis and the convergence issues encountered in iterative calculations for multi-node new energy stations, a novel methodology based on forward propagation of terminal unit voltages for deriving station equivalent curves is proposed. By iteratively establishing the mapping relationship between single units and line voltages, and subsequently propagating terminal unit voltages towards the grid connection point to calculate current and voltage phasors, the mapping curve of station grid voltage and current phasors, i.e., the station equivalent curve, is obtained. Representing an entire new energy station in the system topology with a curve enhances equivalent accuracy while simplifying the computation process, thereby reducing the likelihood of convergence issues arising from a high number of nodes during iteration. To validate the accuracy and feasibility of the proposed method, this paper analyzes the impact of errors in single-machine equivalent models on the final station equivalent curve. Assuming the maximum amplitude error occurs in a single unit, the influence of the single-unit equivalent model on the station equivalent curve error is analyzed. Combined with the basic principle of phasor addition, it is shown that under the condition where all units have the maximum error in the same direction, the final error will not exceed the error of the single-machine equivalent model. The error of the equivalent curve calculated with model errors aligns with theoretical analysis results, demonstrating that the proposed method does not amplify errors in single-machine equivalent models during the calculation process. Simulation results indicate that compared to traditional multi-machine equivalent and improved fault equivalent modeling, the average error of short-circuit currents is reduced by 1.13. Moreover, equivalent errors under various operating conditions remain within 0.9. Furthermore, utilizing actual artificial short-circuit test data from Xinjiang to fit single-machine curves, the average equivalent calculation error between curves obtained via the proposed method and experimental waveform data is 3.28.
刘岩, 贾科, 毕天姝, 李伟涛, 徐梓高. 基于末端机组电压前推的逆变型新能源发电场站故障等值计算[J]. 电工技术学报, 2025, 40(1): 96-107.
Liu Yan, Jia Ke, Bi Tianshu, Li Weitao, Xu Zigao. Fault Equivalent Calculation of Inverter Interfaced Renewable Energy Generator Stations Based on Extrapolation of Terminal Unit Voltage. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2025, 40(1): 96-107.
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