System Voltage Support Strength Evaluation Method for Renewables MMC-HVDC Transmission System Considering Operating Condition
Wang Xiangyu1, Xin Huanhai1, Fu Chuang2, Ma Fuyilong1, Hou Zhixian1
1. College of Electrical Engineering Zhejiang University Hangzhou 310027 China;
2. Electric Power Research Institute China Southern Power Grid Guangzhou 510663 China
基于广义短路比指标的电压支撑强度(简称“系统强度”)可用于评估额定工况下新能源经两电平直流送出系统的稳定性。然而目前工程中新能源基地大多采用模块化多电平变流器柔性直流(Modular Multilevel Converter High Voltage Direct Current System, MMC-HVDC)送出,相比于两电平直流,MMC-HVDC内部控制特性复杂,其对系统的电压支撑作用难以表征;此外新能源实际运行工况多变,基于额定工况定义的短路比指标难以应用。为此,本文从灵敏度视角提出了基于广义运行短路比的新能源经MMC-HVDC送出系统(简称送出系统)强度评估方法。首先,建立了系统频域闭环传递函数矩阵模型,利用灵敏度方程刻画了送出系统的系统电压对电流小扰动的响应特性;其次,基于阻抗矩阵的最大奇异值等效刻画了MMC-HVDC的宽频段电压支撑能力,并提出了MMC-HVDC等值方法;进而,将广义运行短路比推广到送出系统强度评估;最后,仿真算例验证了所提方法的有效性。
Large-scale renewable energy transmission via high voltage direct current system (HVDC) has become a typical scenario in modern power system. The evaluation method of voltage support strength (referred to as system strength) based on the generalized short-circuit ratio index can describe the stability margin of renewable energy transmission system via two-level converter HVDC. However, modular multilevel converter high voltage direct current system (MMC-HVDC) is more commonly utilized in power transmission of renewable bases. Compared with the two-level converter HVDC, MMC-HVDC is more complicated in dynamical characteristic because of complex harmonic coupling. Consequently, it remains unclear how to quantify the voltage support capability of the ac grid containing MMC-HVDC, especially when analyzing small-disturbance voltage stability. Furthermore, the operating conditions of renewables are changing in the actual operating system. Operating conditions have a significant impact on the stability of the system, further increasing the difficulty of assessing the system strength. To solve the challenge mentioned above, this paper proposes the system strength assessment method considering operating conditions, focusing on small-disturbance voltage stability.
Firstly, the frequency-domain closed-loop transfer function matrix of the renewables MMC-HVDC transmission system (RMTS) is established by linearization of the state equations at the stable operating point. The sensitivity relationship between bus voltage response and small-disturbance current is described by impedance matrix. Based on the transfer function matrix, the closed-loop characteristic equation of RMTS is derived. Secondly, the small-disturbance voltage support capability of MMC-HVDC is analyzed equivalently based on the maximum singular value of its impedance matrix, and an equivalent model of MMC-HVDC is proposed accordingly. This equivalence results in modification to the ac grid admittance matrix. Then, the definition of generalized operational short-circuit ratio (gOSCR) is extended to RMTS considering operating conditions. The relative difference between gOSCR and critical gOSCR is defined as the stability margin of RMTS, as performing the evaluation of the system strength. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed methods is verified by electromagnetic transient simulation of 4-infeed RMTS in varied operating conditions. The results show that the evaluation results correspond with time-domain simulation waveform.
The following conclusion can be drawn: (1) The critical gOSCR reflects the tolerance of renewable energy devices to the ac grid strength supported by MMC-HVDC, which is related to the characteristics of devices. The gOSCR characterizes the voltage support capability of ac grids with MMC-HVDC. By comparing the gOSCR and critical gOSCR, the small-disturbance voltage stability of RMTS can be assessed in a rapid way, avoiding massive work of electromagnetic transient modeling. The proposed method can be applied in both the operational scenario and the planning phase. (2) The variation of power output and bus voltage of renewable energy are reflected in gOSCR. When the output of the renewables increases, the bus voltage of the renewables gradually decreases, leading to reduction in the system stability margin of RMTS and thus a decrease in system stability margin. (3) The gOSCR is also determined by the voltage support dynamic characteristics of MMC-HVDC. When the voltage support dynamic of MMC-HVDC approaches ideal voltage source, the gOSCR increases, resulting in increment of RMTS stability margin.
王祥宇, 辛焕海, 傅闯, 马富艺龙, 侯智贤. 考虑实际工况的新能源经MMC-HVDC送出系统强度评估方法[J]. 电工技术学报, 0, (): 20241215-20241215.
Wang Xiangyu, Xin Huanhai, Fu Chuang, Ma Fuyilong, Hou Zhixian. System Voltage Support Strength Evaluation Method for Renewables MMC-HVDC Transmission System Considering Operating Condition. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 0, (): 20241215-20241215.
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