李召兄1 , 文俊1 , 徐超2 , 张慧媛1 , 肖湘宁1
1. 华北电力大学电气与电子工程学院 北京 102206 2. 湖南省电力试验研究院 长沙 410007
Secondary Arc Current of UHV Double-Circuit Transmission Line
Li Zhaoxiong1 , Wen Jun1 , Xu Chao2 , Zhang Huiyuan1 , Xiao Xiangning1
1. North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China 2. Hunan Electrical Power Test and Research Institute Changsha 410007 China
摘要 特高压输电线路的潜供电弧燃烧时间长,如果不能及时熄灭,将造成单相自动重合闸失败,从而影响供电安全和系统稳定。因此,有必要研究特高压输电线路的潜供电流。本文首先归纳总结了潜供电流的各种数学计算方法及其优缺点,并指出目前特高压输电线路潜供电流研究中的不足是缺乏仿真和实测数据以及没有考虑电弧模型。接着针对我国在建的淮南—上海1000kV特高压交流同塔双回输电工程,采用PSCAD/EMTDC软件建立了其详细的仿真模型,包含系统模型、线路模型以及电弧模型。最后利用所建模型,对该工程潜供电流进行了仿真研究,计算了单点故障、两点故障和不同线路负载率下的潜供电流及其持续时间。研究结果表明,该工程潜供电流不会影响单相自动重合闸的成功重合。
关键词 :
特高压 ,
潜供电流 ,
电弧模型 ,
仿真分析 ,
单相自动重合闸 ,
集中参数 ,
分布参数 ,
Abstract :Since the combustion of secondary arcs in UHV transmission lines is long. If these arcs can’t be extinguished in time, the single-phase automatic reclosure would be failed, thus having bad effect on supply security and system stability. As a result, it is necessary to study secondary arc currents of UHV transmission lines. In this paper, various secondary arc current’s calculation methods and their advantages and disadvantages are firstly summarized. Meanwhile, the shortages of researches at present on secondary arc current in UHV transmission lines are pointed out, of which one is lacking in simulation and experimental data, the other is without consideration of the arc model. Next, according to the Huainan-Shanghai 1000kV UHVAC double-circuit transmission project which is under construction in China, its simulation model, including models of system, line and arc, is built in details with PSCAD/EMTDC software. Finally, on the base of the built model, simulation research on secondary arc current is presented in the paper. The secondary arc current and its time duration are calculated respectively in the cases of single-point fault, two-point fault as well as under the circumstance when line load ratios are different. The results show that secondary arc current of the project wouldn’t have influence on accomplish of the single-phase automatic reclosure.
Key words :
secondary arc current
arc model
simulation analysis
single-phase automatic reclosure
lumped parameter
distributed parameter
twice modal transformation
收稿日期: 2009-03-26
出版日期: 2014-03-04
作者简介 : 李召兄 女,1984年生,硕士,从事高压输电系统的运行分析与仿真研究。文俊 女,1963年生,硕士,副教授,从事高压直流输电的控制、运行分析与规划研究。
李召兄, 文俊, 徐超, 张慧媛, 肖湘宁. 特高压同塔双回输电线路的潜供电流[J]. 电工技术学报, 2010, 25(11): 148-154.
Li Zhaoxiong, Wen Jun, Xu Chao, Zhang Huiyuan, Xiao Xiangning. Secondary Arc Current of UHV Double-Circuit Transmission Line. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2010, 25(11): 148-154.
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